Ability and Aptitude Tests

Ability Tests:

Ability tests aim to measure an individual’s specific cognitive skills and intellectual capacities. These assessments delve into areas such as verbal reasoning, numerical ability, abstract reasoning, spatial awareness, and logical thinking. By exploring these dimensions, ability tests provide valuable insights into an individual’s problem-solving capabilities, critical thinking skills, and overall cognitive functioning.

Aptitude Tests:

Aptitude tests, on the other hand, focus on assessing an individual’s potential to acquire specific skills and excel in particular areas. These tests explore domains such as verbal aptitude, numerical aptitude, mechanical reasoning, spatial reasoning, and more. Aptitude tests help individuals identify their natural inclinations, strengths, and areas where they may excel, guiding them towards suitable career paths or educational pursuits.

List of Ability and Aptitude Tests (Indian)

S.NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01A Battery of Mechanical Aptitude TestAtmananda Sharma
02Scientific Knowledge and Aptitude TestS. Chatterji & Mukerjee
03Scientific Aptitude Test BatteryK.K. Agarwal
04Teaching Aptitude Test (Hindi)Jai Prakash & R.P. Srivastava
05Differential Aptitude Tests Form LH (Indian Adaptation)J.M. Ojha
06A Battery of Clerical Aptitude Tests (Hindi)Kiran Gupta
07Problem Solving Ability Test (Hindi)L.N. Dubey
08Reasoning Ability Test (Hindi)L.N. Dubey
09Scientific Aptitude Test for College Students (Hindi)A.K.P. Sinha
10Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (Hindi)R.P. Singh
11Teacher Rating ScaleR.C. Deva
12General Teaching Competency ScaleB.K. Passi
13Construction and Standardization of a Clinical Test of MemoryD. Pershad
14Concept Formation Test (Hindi)K. Dwivedi
15Non-Verbal Concept Formation TestG. Tiwari
16P.G.I. Memory ScaleD. Pershad & N.N. Wig
17Teacher Effectiveness ScalePramod Kumar
18The General Science Test (Hindi)Jai Prakash
19Indore Teaching Assessment ScaleB.K. Passi, M. Deshmukh & S.K. Sharma
20Desai Speed & Accuracy Test (Gujarati)K.G. Desai
21Problem Solving Ability Test (Hindi)Roop Rekha Garg
22Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Form ‘A’Swarn Pratap
23Engineering Aptitude Test Battery Form ‘B’Swarn Pratap
24Langer-Paliwal scale of Psycho-Physical StrainT.R. Paliwal
25Teacher Effectiveness Scale (Hindi)Pramod Kumar & D.N. Mutha
26Engineering Aptitude Test Battery (Form A + Form B)Swarn Pratap
27Reasoning Ability Test (Hindi)K. Bayati
28Problem Solving Concept Formation (Hindi)S.K. Dixit
29Communal Prejudice ScaleQamar Jahan
30General Hindi TestDepartment of Psychology, Allahabad University
31Non-Verbal Science Selection TestS.K. Roy Chaudhury
32Talent Test BatteryNCERT, New Delhi
33Scholastic Aptitude TestNCERT, New Delhi
34Non-Verbal Science Selection TestS.K. Roy Chaudhary
35Space TestBureau of Psychology, Allahabad
36Talent Project (Tests)NIE (NCERT)
37Battery of Talent TestN.N. Sen
38Reading Ability TestPrabhjot
39PGI Battery of Brain DysfunctionD. Pershad
40Inventory of Factors Influencing
Sports Career
M.L. Kamlesh
41Adaption of Weinstain’s Noise Sensitivity ScaleP. Bhatia
42The Orissa Test of Clerical AptitudeD. Khadanga
43Teacher Efficiency InventoryM.S. University of Baroda
44Test of Literary Aptitude (Oriya)R.C. Das
45Art Judgement TestAnil Ambasana
46Reading Comprehension Test (RCT)P. Ahuja
47Test of Higher Mental Ability in ScienceD.N. Sansawal
48Reading Ability Test (Hindi)Prabhjot
49Teaching Aptitude Test BatteryS. Karim, & A.K. Dixit
50Teaching Aptitude TestGeeta Tiwari
51Reasoning Ability TestSadhna Bhatnagar
52Study Materials (The First National Training Workshop in Clinical Neuropsychology)All India Institute of Medical Sciences
53Prajnaman Kasotimala (Guil Ford):
Tests of Figural Cognition Test Battery
Tests of Figural Memory
Tests of Figural Divergent Production
Tests of Figural Convergent Production
Tests of Figural Evaluation
Tests of Symbolic Divergent Production
Tests of Symbolic Memory
Tests of Symbolic Convergent Production
Tests of Symbolic Evaluation
Tests of Semantic Cognition Tests of Semantic Memory
Tests of Semantic Divergent Production
Tests of Semantic Convergent
Jnana Probodhini Pune
Tests of Semantic Evaluation
Tests of Behavioural Cognition
Tests of Behavioural Memory
Tests of Behavioural Divergent
Tests of Behavioural Convergent
Tests of Behavioural Evaluation Production
A Battery of Tests (Reports for S.No. 1.15)
Construction of Tests (Reports for S.N. 16-20)
Tests of Numerical Ability
54Reasoning Ability in ScienceAnuradha Joshi
55Duncan’s Sales Aptitude Test (Hindi)Malay Kapoor
56David’s Battery of Differential AbilitiesM. Kapoor
57Battery of Process Based Tests in Physics (BPBTP)S.N.L. Bhargav
58Noise Adaptation ScaleRamji Sriwastava
59Memory Test for Intolerance of AmbiguityM. Misra
60Concept Attainment TestA. Joshi
61Reading Test (Hindi)Jamuna Lal
62The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale (Hindi)S.P. Malhotra
63The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale (English)S.P. Malhotra
64David Battery of Differential Abilities (Handbook for DBDA)Psy-Com Services
65AIIMS Comprehensive Neuro- Psychological Battery in HindiAIIMS
66Deo-Mohan Projective Test of Achievement Motivation(DACM)P. Deo & Asha Mohan
67A Scale for Reading Writing skills for Pre Primary School ChildrenN. Singh
68Engineering Aptitude Test BatterySwarn Pratap
69Engineering Aptitude Test BatterySwarn Pratap
70Cognitive Style InventoryPraveen Kumar Jha
71Mechanical Ability and Information ScalePsy-Com Service
72Teaching Aptitude ScalePsy-Com Service
73A Battery of Clerical Aptitude Test (Hindi)Kiran Gupta
74AIIMS Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery in HindiSurya Gupta et al.
75Behavioural Checklist for Screening the Learning DisabledSmriti Swarup & D.H.Mehta
76Developmental Screeing Test (DST)J.Bharath Raj
77Revision of Differential Aptitude Test for Higher Secondary SchoolsJ.M.Ojha
78Test of Higher Mental Ability in ScienceD.N.Dansanwal & Anuradha Josh
79Multidimensional Aptitude Battery – II MAB (16+ years)D.N. Jackson and N.K. Chadha
80Aptitude Battery for Career Counselling (14-18 years)Dr. Narinder Singh, Naminta Thakur, Tarana Kapoor
81Tamanna: An Aptitude Test for Senior School Students (English Version)N.C.E.R.T
82Tamanna : An Aptitude Test for Senior School Students (Hindi Version )N.C.E.R.T
83Intellactual Disability Scale (IDS)Sarika Sharma & Anash Kr. Das
Ability and Aptitude tests are used to unlock a deeper understanding of your cognitive abilities, harness your innate potential, and make informed decisions about your educational and career aspirations.