S.No | Title of the Test | Author(s) |
01 | Test of Mechanical Comprehension (Form AA) | G.K. Bennett |
02 | Mechanical Comprehension Test (Form BB) | G.K. Bennett |
03 | Mechanical Comprehension Test (Form CC) | G.K. Bennett |
04 | Gray Oral Reading Tests | William S. Gray & H.M. Robinson |
05 | The Multi-Aptitude Test Forms A and B | E.E. Cureton |
06 | Aptitudes Associates Test of Sales Aptitude | M.M. Bruce |
07 | Lowa Tests of Basic Skills | A.N. Hieronymus, E.F. Lindquist & H.D.Hoover |
08 | The Berclay Early Childhood Skill Assessment System | L.K. Berclay & J.R. Berclay |
09 | Cognitive Abilities Test Form 3 (Grade 3-12) | R.L. Thorndike & E. Hagen |
10 | Office Information & Skills Test | G. Elizabeth Ripka |
11 | Musical Aptitude Profile | Edwin Gordon |
12 | Occupational Aptitudes | A.A. Abbatiello |
13 | Memory –for- Designs Test | B.S. Kendall |
14 | Full-Range Picture Vocabulary Test | R.B. Ammones & H.S. Ammones |
15 | Proverbs Test | Donald R. Gorham |
16 | It Scale for Children (ITSC) | D.G. Brown |
17 | Aptitudes Checklist | |
17.1 | Exploring Career Decision – Making | David W. Winefordner |
17.2 | Exploring Career Decision- Making (Teacher Edition) | David W. Winefordner |
17.3 | Activities for Exploring Decsion – making | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.4 | Career Information System Professional Manual | David W. Winefordner |
17.5 | Worker Trait Group Field Content Notebook | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.6 | Career Information System Guide | David W. Winefordner |
17.7 | Individualized Activities for Career Exploration | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.8 | Work Activities Checklist | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.9 | Work Situation Checklist | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.10 | Aptitudes Checklist | Appalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc. |
17.11 | Worker Trait Group | David W. Winefordner |
18 | Differential Aptitude Tests | G.K. Bennett & H.G. Seashore |
19 | Differential Aptitude Tests forms S&T | H.G. Seashore |
20 | Typing Test for Business (Form A&B) | J.E. Deppelt, A.D. Hartman, & F.B. Krawchick |
21 | Modern Language Aptitude Test | John B. Carroll |
22 | General Clerical Test | The Psychological Corporation |
23 | Minnesota Clerical Test | D.M. Andrew & G. Paterson |
24 | The Multi-Aptitude Test (Forms A&B) | E.E. Cureton |
25 | San Francisco Vocational Competency Scale | S. Levine |
26 | Business Judgement Test | Martin M. Bruce |
27 | Clerical Skills Series | M.M. Bruce |
28 | Sales Comprehension Test | M.M. Bruce |
29 | Test of Social Insight | M.M. Bruce |
30 | Scott Company Mental Alertness Test | Scott Company |
31 | Horn Art Aptitude Inventory | Charles C. Horn |
32 | Bender-Gestalt Test | L. Bender |
33 | Visual Retention Test | Arthur L. Benton |
34 | The Stanford Multi-Modality Imagery Test | W.L. Dauterman |
35 | Development Assessment of Handicapped Infants and Young Children with Special Attention to Visually Impaired | J.B. Chase |
36 | Devereux Scales as Behavioral Measures of visually Impaired Residential Students | L.J. Ross |
37 | Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Form Y.M.) | G. Watson & E.M. Glasser |
38 | Development Test of Visual Perception | M. Frostig |
39 | Slosson Drawing Coordination test for Children and Adults | R.L. Slosson |
40 | Seashore Measures of Musical Talents | C.E. Seashore |
41 | Harris Tests of Lateral Dominance | A.J. Harris |
42 | ABC Vision Test for Ocular Dominance | W.R. Miles |
43 | Illionois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities | S.A. Kirk |
44 | Auditory Discrimination Test | J.M. Wepman |
45 | Developmental Test of Visual Perception | W. Letever |
46 | Motor-Free Visual Perception Test | R.P. Colarusso & D.D. Hammill |
47 | Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes | John D. Ross |
48 | The Chapin Social Insight test | H.G. Gough & F.S. Chapin |
49 | California Pre School Social Competency Scale | Samuel Levine |
50 | General Aptitude Test Battery | U.S. Department of Labour, Washington |
51 | Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Kit | K.M. Dunu |
52 | Name Comparison Test | J.L. Otis |
53 | Horn Art Aptitude Inventory | C.C. Horn |
54 | ‘O’ Corner Tweezer Dexterity Test | C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago |
55 | Color Vision Test | E. Freeman |
56 | Minnesota Assembly Test | E. Freeman |
57 | Iowa Plane Geometry Aptitude Test | H.A. Greene |
58 | ‘O’ Corner Finger Dexterity Test | C.H. Stoelting Co., Chicago |
59 | Motor Capacity Test | B.W. Edmiston |
60 | Minnesota Clerical Test | D.M. Andrew |
61 | Differential Aptitude Test Battery | G.K. Bennett |
62 | Work Knowledge Test (Adult Form) | ACER |
63 | Pacific Word Knowledge Test | I.G. Ord |
64 | Mechanical Comprehension Test | W.A. Owens |
65 | Minnesota Paper Form Board Test | B. Likert |
66 | Mechanical Comprehension Test | G.K. Bennett |
67 | Minnesota Spatial Relations Test | M.R. Trabue |
68 | Design Judgement Test | M. Graves |
69 | Purdue Clerical Adaptability Test | C.H. Lawshe |
70 | Mechanical Comprehension Test (Form BB) | C.K. Bennett |
71 | Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test | H.A. Greene |
72 | 1. Filing Test (Form A) 2. Tabulation Test (Form B) | J.L. Otis |
73 | Vision, Hearing & Motor Coordination Test | E.T. Sullivan |
74 | Clerical Aptitude Test | A. Kobal |
75 | A.C.S. Cooperative Examination in Quantitative Analysis | T.A. Ashford |
76 | Cooperative Mathematics Test | O. Orshansky |
77 | Cooperative Literary Comprehensive and Appreciation Test | M. Wills |
78 | Brueckner Diagnostic test in Fractions | L.J. Brueckner |
79 | Cooperative Science Test | P.E. Kambly |
80 | SRA Primary Mental Abilities | L.L. Thurstone |
81 | Seattle Algebra Test | H.B. Jeffery |
82 | The Maze Test | S.D. Portues |
83 | Survey Test in Plane Geometry | H.R. Douglass |
84 | SRA Mechanical Aptitudes | R. Bellows, Henry |
85 | Durost Centre Word Mastery Test | W.N. Durost |
86 | Kwalwasser Test of Music Information and Appreciation | J. Kwalwasser |
87 | Knauber Art Ability Test | A.J. Knauber |
88 | Stenquist Assembling Tests of General Mechanical Ability | J.L. Stenquist |
89 | Personnel Tests for Industry | A.G. Wesman, R. Madden |
90 | Arithmetic Computation Test | M.Richard |
91 | Cooperative General Science Test | C.A. Pearson |
92 | Arithmetic Essentials Test | J.T. Sea |
93 | Handy Pack Speech Tests | S. Stenchfield |
94 | Memory for Design Test | F.K. Graham |
95 | Gates Primary Reading Test | J.T. Shea |
96 | Detroit Word Recognition Test | E.F. Oglesby |
97 | Michigan Vocabulary Profile Test | E.B. Greene |
98 | Cooperative World History Test | F.H. Stutz |
99 | Passalong Test | W.P. Alexander |
100 | A.C.S. Cooperative Chemistry Test in Qualitative Analysis | T.A. Ashford |
101 | Visual Retention Test | A.L. Benton |
102 | Aptitude Tests for Occupations | W.S. Poeder |
103 | Memory for Designs Test | F. Graham & B. Kendall |
104 | Wechsler Memory Scale | D. Wechsler |
105 | SRA language skills | M.W. Richardson |
106 | Reading Comprehensive Test | L.D. Crow |
107 | Reading Test | M. Daren |
108 | Reading Comprehension Test | R.K. Speer |
109 | Daren Diagnostic Reading Test | M. Daren |
110 | Survey of Space Relations Ability | H.E. Case |
111 | Stenographic Aptitude Test | W.L. Deemer |
112 | Pre-Engineering Ability Test | ETS |
113 | French Listening Comprehension Test | ETS |
114 | Small Parts Dexterity Test | John E. |
115 | Macquarrie Test for Mechanical Ability | T.W. Macquarrie |
116 | Engineering and Physical Science Aptitude Test | B.V. Moore |
117 | Teacher’s Performance Record | A.S. Barr |
118 | Concept Mastery Test | L.M. Terman |
119 | SRA Clerical Aptitude Test | Richardson |
120 | SRA Dictation Skills | M.W. Richardson |
121 | Vocabulary Test | R.K. Speer |
122 | Spelling Test for Clerical Workers | L.J. Otis |
123 | Speed and Accuracy Test | A.C.E.R. |
124 | The Basic Sight Word Test | F.W. Dalch |
125 | Oberlin Test of Music & Art | E.T.S |
126 | Yale Educational Aptitude Test Battery | A.B. Crawford |
127 | Comprehensive Examination in Psychology | M.P. Claytor |
128 | Vocational Aptitude Examination | G.U. Cleeton |
129 | Prognostic Test of Mechanical Abilities | J. Wayne |
130 | Facts About Science Test | G. Stice |
131 | General Office Clerical Test | United Business Education Association Washington |
132 | Kelly Greene Reading Comprehension Test | V.H. Kelley & A. Greene |
133 | Mental Alertness Test | ETS |
134 | Wide Range Vocabulary Test | C.R. Atwell |
135 | Tests of General Educational Development | ACE |
136 | The Multi-Aptitude Test, Form A & B | E. Cureton |
137 | First Year Type Writing Test | M. Englehart |
138 | Multiple Aptitude Test | D. Segal |
139 | California Reading Test | E.W. Tiegs & W.W. Clark |
140 | Traxler High School Reading Test | A.E. Traxler |
141 | Test of English Usage | H.D. Rinsland |
142 | Lee Test of Geometric Aptitude | J.M. Lee |
143 | Elementary Reading Speed Comprehension | R. Swerdlin |
144 | A Point Scale of Performance Test | G. Arthur |
145 | Cooperative School and College Ability Test | ETS |
146 | Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal | G. Watson |
147 | Gates Basic Reading Test | A.I. Gates |
148 | Nelson Denny Reading Test | M.J. Nelson |
149 | Mechanical Comprehension Test | ACER |
150 | Gates Reading Readiness Test | A.I. Gates |
151 | ACER Reading Test | ACER |
152 | Silent Reading Test | ACER |
153 | Iowa Every Pupil Test of Basic Skills | H.F. Spitzer |
154 | Otis quick Scoring Mental Ability Test | A.S. Otis |
155 | Word Recognition Scoring Sheet | Follett Publishing Co. Chicago |
156 | Number Comparison Test (Form A) | J.L. Otis & Lovisew Garman |
157 | The Measurement of Efficiency of Mental Functioning | C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago |
158 | Strenberg Dexterity Test | E.L. Strenberg |
159 | Verbal Reasoning Test | University of London Press |
160 | S.R.A. Verbal Form | T. Gwim |
161 | Carnell Cox Performance Ability Tests (only Form) | E.L. Carnell |
162 | Minnesota Mechanical Assembly Tests (only Form) | C.H. Staellting Co., Chicago |
163 | Brown Carlsen Listening | Jones I. Brown & |
Comprehension Test | G. Robert Carlsen | |
164 | Color Memory Test | Burnham-Clark-Munsell |
165 | Cognitive Abilities Test Levels A to F | Robert L.Throndike, E.Hagen & N. Francs |
166 | Recognition Memory Test | Elizabeth K. Warrington |
167 | Critical Reasoning Tests | Pauline Smith & Obris Whetton |
168 | Basic Skills Tests | Pauline Smith & Obris Whetton |
169 | Factor Tests of Social Intelligence | Maween O. Sullivan |
170 | The Problem Solving Inventory | P.P. Heppner |
171 | Schail-Thurston Adult Mental Abilities | K. Warnerschail |
172 | Cognitive Diagnostic Battery | Stanley R. Kay |
173 | Cognitive Behaviour Rating | J. Michael William |
174 | Khatena-Morse Multi-talent Perception Inventory | E. Paul Torrance |
175 | Mill-Hill Vocabulary Scale | J. C. Raven |
176 | Seguin Form Board Test | Saguin |
177 | The Problem Solving Inventory | P.P.Happnre |
178 | Social Behaviour Adjustment Inventory | M.S.Thomas |
179 | The Problem Solving Inventory | P. P. Happnre |
180 | Social Skills in the Class Room | M.S.Thomas |
181 | Social Behaviour Assessment Inventory | M.S.Thomas |
182 | IAMA Software for Intelligence Aptitude Measurement Test | Allen L. Hammer |
183 | The Dyslexia Screening Test (DST) | A.J.Fawcett and R.I.Nicolson |
184 | Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students (IInd Edition) | Susan K. Johnsen & Anne L.Corn |
185 | Teacher Observation Scales for Identifying Children with Special Abilities | Don McAlpine and Neil Reid |
186 | The Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior India Edition (DST-J India) | Angela J.Fawcell Rod I. Nicolson |
187 | Social Skills Improvement System | Frank M.Gresham & Stephen N.Elliott |