Learning Tests (Non-Indian)

S. NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01Boehm Test of Basic Concepts (Form A&B)A.E. Boehm
02The Barclay Learning Needs Assessment InventoryJ.R. Barclay
03The Pupil Rating Scale Revised Screening for Learning DisabilitiesH.R. Myklebust
04Durrell Analysis of Reading DifficultyD.D. Durrell
05The Slow Learner in the Classroom (Second Edition)N.C. Kephart
06Sklar Aphasia ScaleM. Sklar
07ITPA Clinical Interpretation and RemediationT.P. Lombardi &
E.J. Lombardi
08Learning-Style inventoryPaul J. Malcom
09Jordan Left- Right Reversal TestB.J. Jordan
10Weller-Strawser Scales of Adaptive Behaviour for the Learning DisabledCarol Weller
11Profile of Basic Learning AbilitiesR.E. Valett
12Iowa Silent Reading TestH.A. Greene
13The Developmental Reading TestsG.L. Bond
14Purdue Blueprint Reading TestH.F. Own
15Primary Reading TestW.E. Stayton
16SRA Reader RecordG.T. Buswell
17Durrell Analysis of Reading DifficultyD.D. Durrell
18Michigan Speed of Reading TestE.B. Greene
19Learning Styles InventoryD.K. Kolb
20Diagnostic Reading ExaminationM. Monroe
21Brown-Carlsen Listening Comprehension TestJ.I. Brown
22Individual Reading TestA.C.E.R.
23Style of Learning and ThinkingE.Paul Torrance
24Test of Early Reading Ability (3rd Ed.)Dr.Kim Reid, Wayne P.Hvesho &
Donald D.Hammill
25The Learning Disiabilities Diagnostic Inventory (LDDI)D. Hammill B.Bryant
Learning tests assess cognitive abilities and academic skills to evaluate an individual’s knowledge, comprehension, and learning potential.