S.No | Title of the Test | Author(s) |
01 | Jr. Sr. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) | R.B. Cattell & D.L. Cattell |
02 | Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) (English) | R.W. Coan |
03 | Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (Form A&B) | Raymond B. Cattell & Herbert W.Eber |
04 | IPAT Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) (Form A&B) | R.B. Porter & R.B. Cattell |
05 | IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire (A.S.Q.) | R.B. Cattell |
06 | Contact Personality Factor Test (Form A&B) | R.B. Cattell |
07 | Holtzman Inkblot Technique Combined Set (Form A&B) | W.H. Holtzman |
08 | Make a Picture Story Test | E.S. Shneidmen |
09 | Edwards Personal Preference Schedule | A.L. Edwards |
10 | Vineland Social Maturity Scale | Edgar A. Doll |
11 | Omnibus Personality Inventory | P.Heist & G.Yonge |
12 | Polyfactorial Study of Personality | M.M. Bruce |
13 | Test of Social Insight (Youth and Adult Edition) | M.M. Bruce |
14 | The Gerontological Apperception Test | R.L. Wolk & R.B. Wolk |
15 | The Barclay Classroom Climate Inventory | J.R. Barclay |
16 | The Devereux Behaviour Rating Scales (i) Devereux Adolescent Behaviour (ii) Devereux Child Behaviour (iii) Devereux elementary School Behaviour | G. Spivack & J. Spotts |
17 | Study of Values (A Scale for Measuring the Dominant Interest in Personality | Gordon W. Allport, Philip E.Vernon and Gardner Lindzey |
18 | The Senior Apperception technique | L. Bellak & S.S. Bellak |
19 | The Group Personality Projective Test | R.N. Cassel |
20 | The Id, Ego, Super Ego Test | L.A. Dombrose & M. Slobin |
21 | Vineland Social Maturity Scale | A.J. Malin |
22 | Psychology Manual for Ka-Ro Inkblot Test | Y. Kataguchi |
23 | The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank | J.B. Rotter |
24 | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) (Individual Form) | S.R. Hathaway & J.C. Mckinley |
25 | Sentence Completion Test | F.S. Irvin |
26 | Deeside Picture Test | W.G. Emmett |
27 | Rorschach Test | H. Rorschach |
28 | Bender-Gestalt Test | L. Bender |
29 | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Revised 1967) | S.R. Hathaway & J.K. Mckinley |
30 | The Anxiety Scale for the Blind | R.E. Hardy |
31 | A Social Maturity Scale for Blind Pre-School Children | K.E. Maxfield & S. Bucholz |
32 | Mooney Problem Checklists(Form C.H. and J and Adult) | R. L. Mooney |
33 | Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis Aphasia | H. Schuell |
34 | Class Atmosphere Scale | S. Silbergeld |
35 | Group Atmosphere Scale | S. Silbergeld |
36 | The Affective Perception Inventory (1) Primary (2) Intermediate (3) Advanced Levels | A.T. Soares, L.M. Soares & Louise M. Soares |
37 | The Anxiety Scale for the Blind | R.E. Hardy |
38 | The Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic Test | G.B. Fuller |
39 | Children’s Apperception Test | L. Bellak & S.S. Bellak |
40 | Thematic Apperception Test | H.A. Murrary |
41 | Personality Tests and Reviews | O.K. Buros |
42 | Wide Range Intelligence-Personality Test | J.F. Jastak |
43 | Test Anxiety Inventory | H.P. Gonzalez, C.J. Taylor, G.R. Ross & W.D. Anton |
44 | Test of Behavioural Rigidity | K.W. Schaie |
45 | Bem Sex-Role Inventory | Sandra Lipsitz Bem |
46 | The Quality of School Life | J.L. Epstein |
47 | Classroom Environment Scale | E.J. Trickett |
48 | Balthazar Scales of Adaptive Behaviour | E.E. Balthazar |
49 | Maslow Security Insecurity Scale | A.L. Maslow |
50 | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory | C.D. Spielberger |
51 | State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children | C.D. Spielberger |
52 | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ‘FormF&G’ | I.B. Myers |
53 | Clinical analysis Questionnaire | R.B. Cattell & K.H. Delhess |
54 | The Jesness Inventory | Carl F. Jesness |
55 | Bells Adjustment Inventory Student form | H.M. Bell |
56 | Maslach Burnout Inventory | Christina Maslach |
57 | IES Test-(Photo-Analysis) | L.A. Dombrose & S. Slobin |
58 | Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality Inventory | S.R. Hathaway |
59 | Thematic Apperception Test | H. Murray |
60 | California Test of Personality | W.W. Clark |
61 | SRA Youth Inventory | SRA |
62 | Character and Personality Test (Boys & Girls) | A. Press |
63 | Handwriting Scale | L. Payres |
64 | Psychiatric Rating Scales | J.R. Wittenlorn |
65 | Johnson Temperament Analysis | R.H. Johnson |
66 | Kent Rosanaff Free Association Test | K. Rosanaff |
67 | Mooney Problem Checklist | R.L. Mooney |
68 | IES Picture Title Test | L.A. Dombrose |
69 | Personality Schedule | L.L. Thurstone |
70 | IES-Arrow-Dot Test | L.A. Dombrose |
71 | 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire | R.B. Cattell |
72 | Proverbs Test | D.R. Gorham |
73 | Rorschach Psycho-Diagnostic Test | H. Bern |
74 | Minnesota Inventory of Social Behaviour | E.G. Williamson |
75 | Syracuse Scales of Social Relations | E.F. Gardner |
76 | The Alcado Test | Morse P. Manson |
77 | Horn-Hellersberg Test (The Individual’sRelation to reality in our Culture) | E. Hellersberg |
78 | The Case of Mickey Murphy | W.R. Baller |
79 | Adjustment Inventory | H.M. Bell |
80 | Pseudo Isochromatic Plates | L.H. Hardy |
81 | Fatigue Scales Kit | Psychometric Affiliates |
82 | Curtis Completion Form | J.W. Curtis |
83 | IPAT Humor Test of Personality | R.B. Cattell |
84 | Affectivity Interview Blank | E. Mechem |
85 | Minnesota T-S-E- Inventory | C. Evans & T.R. McConnell |
86 | Easel Age Scale | B. Lantz |
87 | Kilander Health Knowledge Test | H.F. Kilander |
88 | Heston Personal Adjustment Inventory | J.C. Heston |
89 | The Manson Evaluation | M.P. Manson |
90 | The Hunt Minnesota Test for Organic Brain Damage | H.F. Hunt |
91 | The Blacky Pictures | G.S. Blum |
92 | Make a Picture Story Test | E.S. Shneidman |
93 | Adaptability Test | J. Tiffin |
94 | Gordon Personal Profile | L.V. Gordon |
95 | Thurstone Temperament Schedule | L.L. Thurstone |
96 | Evaluation of Personality traits Through TAT Pictures | B.E.P.A. |
97 | The Personality Survey | P.M. Symonds |
98 | The Life Adjustment Inventory | R.C. Dell |
99 | Stamp Behaviour Study Technique | I.M. Stamp |
100 | Myers-Briggs Type Indicator | I.B. Myers |
101 | Personal Health Inventory | O.E. Byrd |
102 | Patient’s Self History | O.E. Byrd |
103 | Behaviour Cards-Record Sheet | R.M. Stogdill |
104 | Visual Motor Gestalt Test | L. Bender |
105 | Personality Inventory | R.G. Bernreuter |
106 | Test of Basic Assumptions | M. Levit |
107 | S.R.A. Youth Inventory | H.H. Remmers |
108 | Rorschach Individual Record Blanks | B.K. Lopper |
109 | The A-S Reaction Study | G.W. Allport |
110 | Children’s Picture Test | E. Battle |
111 | H.T.P. Test | Issac Jolles |
112 | Completion of Drawings | M.Richard & P.Philip |
113 | Rosenzweig P.F. Study | S. Rosenzweig & U.Pareek |
114 | Rating Scale for Pupil Adjustment | S.R.A. |
115 | Test of Insight into Human Motives | H.D. Sargent |
116 | Szondi Test | Versuchsieifer |
117 | Clinical Analysis Questionnaire | R.B. Cattell |
118 | Motivation Analysis Test | Raymond B. Cattell & John L. Horn |
119 | IPAT Depression Scale (Personal Assessment Inventory) | Samuel E. Kru |
120 | Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire | R.B. Cattell |
121 | IPAT Humor Test of Personality | R.B. Cattell |
122 | Social Skill Inventory | Ronald E. Riggio |
123 | Children’s Personality Questionnaire | P. Cattell |
124 | Daily Stress Inventory | Philip J. Brantley |
125 | The Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test | Max R. Trenerry Bruce Crosson |
126 | Psychological Pain Inventory | C.J. Getto & R.K. Heaton |
127 | Reynold’s Adolescent Depression Scale | William M. Reynold |
128 | Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) | Cattell |
129 | State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory | Charles D. Splilberger |
130 | Using the Myer Briggs Type Indicator Operation | Myer & Briggs |
131 | Maudsley Personality Inventory | H.J.Eysenck |
132 | Eysencks Personality Questionnaire | H.J.Eysenck |
133 | A Gudie to the development & Use of the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator | I.B.Myers |
134 | Myer-Briggs Type Indicator Applications | I.B.Myers |
135 | Myer-Briggs Type Indicator in Organization | I.B.Myers |
136 | Free Association Test (100 Words List Method) | Jung & Kent |
137 | Problem Solving Concept Formation | Hoffman & Kaisenien |
138 | Student Teacher Relationship Scale | Inventory Kit |
139 | Revised Behaviour Problem Checklist | Herbert C.Quay & Donald R.Peterson |
140 | Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI) | Wendy Lord |
141 | Emotional Problems Scales (EPS) | H.Thompson Prout, Douglas C.Strohmer |
142 | Social Emotional Dimensions Scale (2nd Edition) | Jerry B.Hullon & Timothy G.Roberts |
143 | Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents – A Profile of Personal Strengths | Sandra Prince-Embury |
144 | AARS Adolescent Anger Rating Scale | DeAnna Mckinnie Burney, Ph.D |
145 | Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale | Phyllis L.Newcomer Edna, M.Barenbaum, Brian R.Bryant |
146 | Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory | William M Reynolds, Ph.D. |
147 | Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale –2nd Edition | William M.Reynolds, Ph.D. |
148 | Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function | Gerald A. Gioia, Peter K. Isqwith, Steven C.Evu and Lawren Kenworthy |
149 | Children’s Measure of Obsessive- Compulsive Symptoms (CMOCS) | C.R.Reynolds, R.B.Livingston |
150 | Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI) | M.B.Frisch |
151 | NEOTM Inventories for the 1. NEOTM Personality Inventory-3 (NEOTM –PI-3) 2. NEOTM Five-Factor Inventory-3 (NEOTM –FFI-3) 3. NEOTM Personality Inventory- Revised (NEO-PI-RTM) | Robert R.McCrae Paul T.Costa |
152 | Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale | Cecil R. Reynolds and Bert O. Richmond |
153 | Sacks’ Sentence Completion Test (English) | Sacks |
154 | Test Anxiety Inventory – Sampler Set | Charles D. Spielberger |
155 | Friedman Well-Being Scale | Philip H. Friedman |
156 | Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory | Raymond W.Novaco |
157 | College Adjustment Scales | William D.Anton and James R.Reed |
158 | Personal Stress and Well-being Assessment | Jon Warner |
159 | Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire & Five-Factor Non-verbal Personality Questionnaire | S.V. Paunonen, D.N. Jackson, M.C. Ashton |
160 | College Adjustment Scale (CAS) | W.D. Anton, James R. Read |
161 | Five Factor Personality Inventory – Children (FFPI-C) | R.L. McGhee, D.J. Ehrler, J.A. Buckhalt |
162 | Coping Responses Inventory – Youth Form | Rudolf H. Moos |
163 | Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory (RASSI) | W. M. Reynolds |
164 | Early School Personality Questionaire | Cattell |
165 | Aggression Questionnaire | Arnold H. Buss & W.L Warren |