MPA-004: Disaster Preparedness

Unit-1 Disaster Management: Prevention , Preparedness and Mitigation
Unit-2 Disaster Preparedness: Concept and Nature
Unit-3 Disaster Preparedness Plan
Unit-4 Disaster Preparedness for People with Special Needs/Vulnerable Groups
Unit-5 Disaster Preparedness with Relevance to Housing, Infrastructure and Live Stock
Unit-6 Community-based Disaster Preparedness Plan
Unit-7 Role of Information, Education, Communication and Training
Unit-8 Disaster Preparedness: Role and Responsibilities of Central, State, District and Local Administration
Unit-9 Disaster Preparedness: Role and Responsibilities of Armed Forces, Polices, Para-military Forces, National Service Scheme and Scouts
Unit-10 Disaster Preparedness: Role and Responsibilities of International Agencies, Non-governmental Organisation, Community-based Organisations, Community and Media
Unit-11 Information Technology: Role in Disaster Preparedness with Special Reference to Geographical Information System
Unit-12 Use and Application of Emerging Technologies in Disaster Preparedness-I
Unit-13 Use and Application of Emerging Technologies in Disaster Preparedness-II
Unit-14 Disaster Mitigation
Unit-15 Disaster Mitigation Strategies
Unit-16 Emerging Trends in Disaster Mitigation-I
Unit-17 Emerging Trends in Disaster Mitigation-II
Unit-18 Mitigation Management – I
Unit-19 Mitigation Management – II