Ability and Aptitude Tests (Non-Indian)

S.NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01Test of Mechanical Comprehension
(Form AA)
G.K. Bennett
02Mechanical Comprehension Test
(Form BB)
G.K. Bennett
03Mechanical Comprehension Test
(Form CC)
G.K. Bennett
04Gray Oral Reading TestsWilliam S. Gray &
H.M. Robinson
05The Multi-Aptitude Test Forms A and BE.E. Cureton
06Aptitudes Associates Test of Sales AptitudeM.M. Bruce
07Lowa Tests of Basic SkillsA.N. Hieronymus, E.F. Lindquist & H.D.Hoover
08The Berclay Early Childhood Skill Assessment SystemL.K. Berclay &
J.R. Berclay
09Cognitive Abilities Test Form 3
(Grade 3-12)
R.L. Thorndike &
E. Hagen
10Office Information & Skills TestG. Elizabeth Ripka
11Musical Aptitude ProfileEdwin Gordon
12Occupational AptitudesA.A. Abbatiello
13Memory –for- Designs TestB.S. Kendall
14Full-Range Picture Vocabulary TestR.B. Ammones &
H.S. Ammones
15Proverbs TestDonald R. Gorham
16It Scale for Children (ITSC)D.G. Brown
17Aptitudes Checklist
17.1Exploring Career Decision
– Making
David W. Winefordner
17.2Exploring Career Decision- Making (Teacher Edition)David W. Winefordner
17.3Activities for Exploring Decsion – makingAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.4Career Information System Professional ManualDavid W. Winefordner
17.5Worker Trait Group Field Content NotebookAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.6Career Information System GuideDavid W. Winefordner
17.7Individualized Activities for Career ExplorationAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.8Work Activities ChecklistAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.9Work Situation ChecklistAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.10Aptitudes ChecklistAppalachia Educational Laboratory, Inc.
17.11Worker Trait GroupDavid W. Winefordner
18Differential Aptitude TestsG.K. Bennett &
H.G. Seashore
19Differential Aptitude Tests forms S&TH.G. Seashore
20Typing Test for Business (Form A&B)J.E. Deppelt,
A.D. Hartman, &
F.B. Krawchick
21Modern Language Aptitude TestJohn B. Carroll
22General Clerical TestThe Psychological Corporation
23Minnesota Clerical TestD.M. Andrew &
G. Paterson
24The Multi-Aptitude Test (Forms A&B)E.E. Cureton
25San Francisco Vocational Competency ScaleS. Levine
26Business Judgement TestMartin M. Bruce
27Clerical Skills SeriesM.M. Bruce
28Sales Comprehension TestM.M. Bruce
29Test of Social InsightM.M. Bruce
30Scott Company Mental Alertness TestScott Company
31Horn Art Aptitude InventoryCharles C. Horn
32Bender-Gestalt TestL. Bender
33Visual Retention TestArthur L. Benton
34The Stanford Multi-Modality Imagery TestW.L. Dauterman
35Development Assessment of Handicapped Infants and Young Children with Special Attention to Visually ImpairedJ.B. Chase
36Devereux Scales as Behavioral Measures of visually Impaired Residential StudentsL.J. Ross
37Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (Form Y.M.)G. Watson &
E.M. Glasser
38Development Test of Visual PerceptionM. Frostig
39Slosson Drawing Coordination test for Children and AdultsR.L. Slosson
40Seashore Measures of Musical TalentsC.E. Seashore
41Harris Tests of Lateral DominanceA.J. Harris
42ABC Vision Test for Ocular DominanceW.R. Miles
43Illionois Test of Psycholinguistic AbilitiesS.A. Kirk
44Auditory Discrimination TestJ.M. Wepman
45Developmental Test of Visual PerceptionW. Letever
46Motor-Free Visual Perception TestR.P. Colarusso &
D.D. Hammill
47Ross Test of Higher Cognitive ProcessesJohn D. Ross
48The Chapin Social Insight testH.G. Gough &
F.S. Chapin
49California Pre School Social Competency ScaleSamuel Levine
50General Aptitude Test BatteryU.S. Department of Labour, Washington
51Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test KitK.M. Dunu
52Name Comparison TestJ.L. Otis
53Horn Art Aptitude InventoryC.C. Horn
54‘O’ Corner Tweezer Dexterity TestC.H. Staelting Co., Chicago
55Color Vision TestE. Freeman
56Minnesota Assembly TestE. Freeman
57Iowa Plane Geometry Aptitude TestH.A. Greene
58‘O’ Corner Finger Dexterity TestC.H. Stoelting Co., Chicago
59Motor Capacity TestB.W. Edmiston
60Minnesota Clerical TestD.M. Andrew
61Differential Aptitude Test BatteryG.K. Bennett
62Work Knowledge Test (Adult Form)ACER
63Pacific Word Knowledge TestI.G. Ord
64Mechanical Comprehension TestW.A. Owens
65Minnesota Paper Form Board TestB. Likert
66Mechanical Comprehension TestG.K. Bennett
67Minnesota Spatial Relations TestM.R. Trabue
68Design Judgement TestM. Graves
69Purdue Clerical Adaptability TestC.H. Lawshe
70Mechanical Comprehension Test
(Form BB)
C.K. Bennett
71Iowa Algebra Aptitude TestH.A. Greene
721. Filing Test (Form A)
2. Tabulation Test (Form B)
J.L. Otis
73Vision, Hearing & Motor Coordination TestE.T. Sullivan
74Clerical Aptitude TestA. Kobal
75A.C.S. Cooperative Examination in Quantitative AnalysisT.A. Ashford
76Cooperative Mathematics TestO. Orshansky
77Cooperative Literary Comprehensive
and Appreciation Test
M. Wills
78Brueckner Diagnostic test in FractionsL.J. Brueckner
79Cooperative Science TestP.E. Kambly
80SRA Primary Mental AbilitiesL.L. Thurstone
81Seattle Algebra TestH.B. Jeffery
82The Maze TestS.D. Portues
83Survey Test in Plane GeometryH.R. Douglass
84SRA Mechanical AptitudesR. Bellows, Henry
85Durost Centre Word Mastery TestW.N. Durost
86Kwalwasser Test of Music Information and AppreciationJ. Kwalwasser
87Knauber Art Ability TestA.J. Knauber
88Stenquist Assembling Tests of General Mechanical AbilityJ.L. Stenquist
89Personnel Tests for IndustryA.G. Wesman,
R. Madden
90Arithmetic Computation TestM.Richard
91Cooperative General Science TestC.A. Pearson
92Arithmetic Essentials TestJ.T. Sea
93Handy Pack Speech TestsS. Stenchfield
94Memory for Design TestF.K. Graham
95Gates Primary Reading TestJ.T. Shea
96Detroit Word Recognition TestE.F. Oglesby
97Michigan Vocabulary Profile TestE.B. Greene
98Cooperative World History TestF.H. Stutz
99Passalong TestW.P. Alexander
100A.C.S. Cooperative Chemistry Test in Qualitative AnalysisT.A. Ashford
101Visual Retention TestA.L. Benton
102Aptitude Tests for OccupationsW.S. Poeder
103Memory for Designs TestF. Graham & B. Kendall
104Wechsler Memory ScaleD. Wechsler
105SRA language skillsM.W. Richardson
106Reading Comprehensive TestL.D. Crow
107Reading TestM. Daren
108Reading Comprehension TestR.K. Speer
109Daren Diagnostic Reading TestM. Daren
110Survey of Space Relations AbilityH.E. Case
111Stenographic Aptitude TestW.L. Deemer
112Pre-Engineering Ability TestETS
113French Listening Comprehension TestETS
114Small Parts Dexterity TestJohn E.
115Macquarrie Test for Mechanical AbilityT.W. Macquarrie
116Engineering and Physical Science Aptitude TestB.V. Moore
117Teacher’s Performance RecordA.S. Barr
118Concept Mastery TestL.M. Terman
119SRA Clerical Aptitude TestRichardson
120SRA Dictation SkillsM.W. Richardson
121Vocabulary TestR.K. Speer
122Spelling Test for Clerical WorkersL.J. Otis
123Speed and Accuracy TestA.C.E.R.
124The Basic Sight Word TestF.W. Dalch
125Oberlin Test of Music & ArtE.T.S
126Yale Educational Aptitude Test BatteryA.B. Crawford
127Comprehensive Examination in PsychologyM.P. Claytor
128Vocational Aptitude ExaminationG.U. Cleeton
129Prognostic Test of Mechanical AbilitiesJ. Wayne
130Facts About Science TestG. Stice
131General Office Clerical TestUnited Business Education
Association Washington
132Kelly Greene Reading Comprehension TestV.H. Kelley & A. Greene
133Mental Alertness TestETS
134Wide Range Vocabulary TestC.R. Atwell
135Tests of General Educational DevelopmentACE
136The Multi-Aptitude Test, Form A & BE. Cureton
137First Year Type Writing TestM. Englehart
138Multiple Aptitude TestD. Segal
139California Reading TestE.W. Tiegs & W.W. Clark
140Traxler High School Reading TestA.E. Traxler
141Test of English UsageH.D. Rinsland
142Lee Test of Geometric AptitudeJ.M. Lee
143Elementary Reading Speed ComprehensionR. Swerdlin
144A Point Scale of Performance TestG. Arthur
145Cooperative School and College Ability TestETS
146Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking AppraisalG. Watson
147Gates Basic Reading TestA.I. Gates
148Nelson Denny Reading TestM.J. Nelson
149Mechanical Comprehension TestACER
150Gates Reading Readiness TestA.I. Gates
151ACER Reading TestACER
152Silent Reading TestACER
153Iowa Every Pupil Test of Basic SkillsH.F. Spitzer
154Otis quick Scoring Mental Ability TestA.S. Otis
155Word Recognition Scoring SheetFollett Publishing Co. Chicago
156Number Comparison Test (Form A)J.L. Otis & Lovisew Garman
157The Measurement of Efficiency of
Mental Functioning
C.H. Staelting Co., Chicago
158Strenberg Dexterity TestE.L. Strenberg
159Verbal Reasoning TestUniversity of London Press
160S.R.A. Verbal FormT. Gwim
161Carnell Cox Performance Ability Tests (only Form)E.L. Carnell
162Minnesota Mechanical Assembly Tests (only Form)C.H. Staellting Co., Chicago
163Brown Carlsen ListeningJones I. Brown &
Comprehension TestG. Robert Carlsen
164Color Memory TestBurnham-Clark-Munsell
165Cognitive Abilities Test Levels A to FRobert L.Throndike, E.Hagen & N. Francs
166Recognition Memory TestElizabeth K. Warrington
167Critical Reasoning TestsPauline Smith &
Obris Whetton
168Basic Skills TestsPauline Smith &
Obris Whetton
169Factor Tests of Social IntelligenceMaween O. Sullivan
170The Problem Solving InventoryP.P. Heppner
171Schail-Thurston Adult Mental AbilitiesK. Warnerschail
172Cognitive Diagnostic BatteryStanley R. Kay
173Cognitive Behaviour RatingJ. Michael William
174Khatena-Morse Multi-talent
Perception Inventory
E. Paul Torrance
175Mill-Hill Vocabulary ScaleJ. C. Raven
176Seguin Form Board TestSaguin
177The Problem Solving InventoryP.P.Happnre
178Social Behaviour Adjustment InventoryM.S.Thomas
179The Problem Solving InventoryP. P. Happnre
180Social Skills in the Class RoomM.S.Thomas
181Social Behaviour Assessment InventoryM.S.Thomas
182IAMA Software for Intelligence Aptitude Measurement TestAllen L. Hammer
183The Dyslexia Screening Test (DST)A.J.Fawcett and R.I.Nicolson
184Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students (IInd Edition)Susan K. Johnsen & Anne L.Corn
185Teacher Observation Scales for Identifying Children with Special AbilitiesDon McAlpine and Neil Reid
186The Dyslexia Screening Test – Junior India Edition (DST-J India)Angela J.Fawcell Rod I. Nicolson
187Social Skills Improvement SystemFrank M.Gresham &
Stephen N.Elliott
Aptitude tests assess individuals’ natural abilities and potential in specific areas to determine their suitability.