Educational and Psychological Tests

Introducing a Comprehensive Reference Guide: The National Library of Educational & Psychological Tests (NLEPT)

Discover an invaluable resource within the heart of New Delhi – the National Library of Educational & Psychological Tests (NLEPT). This reference guide delves into the vast repository of two thousand tests covering Education, Psychology, and various Allied areas. Housed in the esteemed Department of Educational Psychology & Foundations of Education at NCERT, the NLEPT serves as a Library-cum-Depository, harboring a rare collection of both published and unpublished Indian and foreign tests.

Tailored to cater to the diverse needs of test users and developers across the country, the NLEPT encompasses an extensive range of essential domains. These include intelligence, ability, aptitude, interest, values, personality, achievement, creativity, learning, guidance, counseling, industrial psychology, and more.

For the convenience of its users, the tests have been meticulously organized into distinct categories, ensuring easy access to the comprehensive catalogue. From scholars to practitioners, anyone seeking a wealth of information on tests can find a plethora of knowledge at the NLEPT.

When it comes to educational and psychological assessments, the National Library of Educational and Psychological Tests (NLEPT) stands as an indispensable reference hub, empowering professionals and enthusiasts alike in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Reference: National Library of Educational and Psychological Tests (NLEPT)

Educational and Psychological Tests (Indian)

Educational and Psychological Tests (Non-Indian)

Unpublished Tests