LSE-04(L): Laboratory Course-I

List of Experiments

Experiment-28 Study of Faunal Composition of Chosen Habitats
Experiment-27 Study of Plant and Animal Relationships
Experiment-26 Study of Xerophytes, Mesophytes and Hydrophytes
Experiment-25 Determination of Density, Frequency and Abundance of Species by Quadrat Method
Experiment-24 Study of Community Structure by Quadrat, Line and Belt Method
Experiment-23 Estimation of Dissolved Oxygen Content of Water Samples
Experiment-22 Estimation of Salinity of Water Samples
Experiment-21 Hydrogen in Concentration and Determination of pH
Experiment-20 Investigation of Human Karyotypes
Experiment-19 Application of Probability to Problems in Genetics
Experiment-18 Pedigree Analysis and Pedigree Charts
Experiment-17 Determination of Allelic and Genotypic Frequencies
Experiment-16 Study of Human Blood Groups
Experiment-15 A Study of Mendelian Traits in Humans
Experiment-14 Verification of Dihybrid Mendelian Ratio and Chi-Square Analysis
Experiment-13 Verification of Monohybrid Mendelian Ratio and Chi-Square Analysis
Experiment-12 Study of Enzyme Action
Experiment-11 Movement of Material in Cell-Diffusion and Osmosis
Experiment-10 Qualitative Biochemical Tests for Organic Constituents of Cells
Experiment-9 Smear Technique to Observe Sex-Chromatin in the Buccal Epithelial Cells of Human Females