P-02: Quantitative methods

M-28 Multiple Analysis of Variance-MANOVA
M-31 Studying relationships : other Methods
M-32 Multivariate techniques : PCA and MDS
M-33 Structural Equation Modelling (SEM)
M-20 Analysing relationships : non parametric correlation methods
M-21 Comparing “r”: independent groups and dependent groups
M-27 Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA)
M-22 Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance
M-23 Complex Correlational Analysis
M-26 Multiple Regression
M-14 Non parametric test : 2 levels of independent variables (Mann Whitney & ; Wilcoxon signed rank tests)
M-13 Non-parametric test : the chi square test of frequencies
M-15 Non parametric test : chi square test of contingencies
M-16 Non Parametric Tests : Single Factor Design
M-12 Factorial Design : 2- Way Analysis of Variance
M-17 Analyzing relationships
M-19 Types of Correlation- II
M-18 Types of Correlation- I
M-25 Simple Regression
M-09 Parametric test : simple experimental design (single mean)
M-10 Parametric test : simple experimental design (2 means)
M-08 Parametric & Non-Parametric Tests
M-04. Research Designs II
M-03. Research Designs- I
M-06 Inferential Statistics
M-05 Descriptive statistics
M-30 Discriminant analysis
M-01 Quantitative research : an introduction
M-02 Quantitative research
M-07 Normal distribution
M-34 Factor Analysis
M-35 Meta- analysis
M-24 Regression