P-02: Social Cultural Anthropology 07 Institution, Association and Group, Status and Role Norms and Values10 Family and Law, Patriarchy and Violence in domestic space06 Society, Social structure and Social organisation, Community08 Family, Household and Domestic Group05 Anthropological approaches to study religion11 Gendered aspects of family12. Marriage : Definition type09 Approaches to the study of Family01 Meaning and scope of social cultural Anthropology03 Evolution, unilinear, multilinear and universal04 Enculturation, acculturation and transculturation17 Kinship: Descent and alliance kinship terms14 Marriage : Migration and other Changes13 Marriage Rules Marriage Payment15 Notion of love and Sex18 Kinship studies in India25 Concept of Power and Authority, Leadership26 Types of political organisation23 Changes in simple economy33 Media and Communication Anthropology 34 Urban anthropology32 Visual anthropology35 Development Anthropology31 Anthropology of governance24 Development of Political Anthropology30 Meaning and objectives of Research16 Kinship : Definition and Approaches21 Economic organisation29 Belief and Rituals22 Economic exchange27 Magico- religious functions19 Social stratification28 Law and Social Control20 Religion and Magic Related Content:UGC NET Psychology Syllabus in DetailNavigating the Complex Web: Exploring Gender,…Foundations of PsychologyPsychology: Issues and ApplicationsJune 2022 - IGNOU Question Papers | School of Social…