P-03: Fundamentals of microeconomic theory M-01 Introduction : definition, meaning and scope of micro economicsM-08 Revision of Demand by Hicks and Choice involving RiskM-05 Applications of Indifference curveM-07 Revealed preference theoryM-03 The cardinal utility theoryM-04 Indifference curve theoryM-14 Other Production Related Concepts, Euler’s Theorem, Multi-Product Firm, Technical ProgressM-11 Elementary Theory of Price Formation, Web Theorem and Lagged Adjustments in Interrelated MarketsM-15 Special Production Functions- Cobb-Douglas, CES, VES, Translog and their propertiesM-13 Production isoquants, law of production and equilibrium of the firmM-12 Production function- Introduction, with one variable inputM-18 Empirical evidence on the shape of cost curvesM-17 Modern Theory Of Cost : short run and long runM-22 Perfect competition : demand curve & equilibrium in the short runM-19 Derivation of cost functions and other issues in cost theoryM-21 Perfect Competition : Introduction, Assumptions and Pricing DecisionsM-24 Monopoly : Assumptions, equilibrium and supply in monopoly marketM-23 Perfect competition: equilibrium in the long runM-20 Economies of scope, learning curveM-25 Welfare Aspects and Price Discrimination M-02 Basic Economic ProblemM-16 Theory of Costs, traditional theory of CostsM-29 Monopsony, Bilateral Monopoly and Workable CompetitionM-32 Robin Marris’s Model of Managerial EnterpriseM-31 Williamson’s Model of Managerial DiscretionM-27 Oligopoly : Non Collusive ModelM-10 Recent Theories in Demand AnalysisM-06 Concept of elasticityM-34 Bain’s Limit Pricing TheoryM-30 Baumol Sales Maximisation ModelM-36 Behavioural Model of Cyert and MarchM-28 Non collusive and Collusive modelM-26 Monopolistic CompetitionM-35 The model of Sylos LabiniM-33 Full cost pricing ruleM-09 Inter temporal ChoiceM-37 Game Theoretic Model Related Content:P-04: Basic macroeconomicsUGC NET Psychology Syllabus in DetailMemory TechniquesIGNOU Updates & AlertsFoundations of Psychology