P-05: Development, globalization and society

M-34 Land (Resistance and Justice Movements)
M-28 Agrarian Strategy, Agrarian Crisis and Farmers Suicides
M-32 Water (Resistance and Justice Movements)
M-27 Labour (Globalisation and Its Impact)
M-29 International donors/agencies
M-30 Media (Agencies of Globalisation)
M-20 Microcredit programmes – A celebrated social security policy?
M-19 Contested Nature of Social Security in Globalising India
M-18 Globalisation and the Challenge of Securing Sustainable Livelihoods
M-17 Gender Critique of the Development Process
M-22 Culture (Globalisation and Its Impacts)
M-21 Ecology (Globalisation and its Impacts)
M-16 Globalisation and Class Polarisation
M-12 Globalisation as Current Capitalist Transformation
M-15 Globalisation, Inequality and Exclusion – Caste
M-14 Globalisation and Poverty (Conceptualising Globalisation)
M-13 Neo-liberalism and process of privatisation
M-09 Conceptualising Development – Development as Entitlements and Basic Needs
M-11 Contested Character of Globalisation – Theories
M-08 Conceptualising Development – Measuring HDI
M-25 Migration and Its Discontents
M-10 Globalisation and its History
M-05 Conceptualizing development – structuralism
M-03 Ideas and Ideologies of Development
M-06 Conceptualising Dependency Theory
M-26 State and Violence
M-02 From progress to Development to Globalisation
M-01 Introducing Development and Globalisation
M-33 Dams and Displacement
M-04 Conceptualising Development
M-24 Religious Resurgence
M-35 Deconstructing Development
M-07 Neo-Colonialism
M-23 Region
M-31 Resistance and Justice Movements : Mining