Personality and Adjustment Tests

S.NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01Jr. Sr. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ)R.B. Cattell &
D.L. Cattell
02Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) (English)R.W. Coan
03Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (Form A&B)Raymond B. Cattell & Herbert W.Eber
04IPAT Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) (Form A&B)R.B. Porter &
R.B. Cattell
05IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire (A.S.Q.)R.B. Cattell
06Contact Personality Factor Test (Form A&B)R.B. Cattell
07Holtzman Inkblot Technique Combined Set (Form A&B)W.H. Holtzman
08Make a Picture Story TestE.S. Shneidmen
09Edwards Personal Preference ScheduleA.L. Edwards
10Vineland Social Maturity ScaleEdgar A. Doll
11Omnibus Personality InventoryP.Heist & G.Yonge
12Polyfactorial Study of PersonalityM.M. Bruce
13Test of Social Insight (Youth and Adult Edition)M.M. Bruce
14The Gerontological Apperception TestR.L. Wolk & R.B. Wolk
15The Barclay Classroom Climate InventoryJ.R. Barclay
16The Devereux Behaviour Rating Scales
(i) Devereux Adolescent Behaviour
(ii) Devereux Child Behaviour
(iii) Devereux elementary School Behaviour
G. Spivack & J. Spotts
17Study of Values (A Scale for Measuring the Dominant Interest in PersonalityGordon W. Allport, Philip E.Vernon and Gardner Lindzey
18The Senior Apperception techniqueL. Bellak & S.S. Bellak
19The Group Personality Projective TestR.N. Cassel
20The Id, Ego, Super Ego TestL.A. Dombrose &
M. Slobin
21Vineland Social Maturity ScaleA.J. Malin
22Psychology Manual for Ka-Ro Inkblot TestY. Kataguchi
23The Rotter Incomplete Sentences BlankJ.B. Rotter
24Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) (Individual Form)S.R. Hathaway &
J.C. Mckinley
25Sentence Completion TestF.S. Irvin
26Deeside Picture TestW.G. Emmett
27Rorschach TestH. Rorschach
28Bender-Gestalt TestL. Bender
29Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (Revised 1967)S.R. Hathaway &
J.K. Mckinley
30The Anxiety Scale for the BlindR.E. Hardy
31A Social Maturity Scale for Blind Pre-School ChildrenK.E. Maxfield &
S. Bucholz
32Mooney Problem Checklists(Form C.H. and J and Adult)R. L. Mooney
33Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis AphasiaH. Schuell
34Class Atmosphere ScaleS. Silbergeld
35Group Atmosphere ScaleS. Silbergeld
36The Affective Perception Inventory
(1) Primary
(2) Intermediate
(3) Advanced Levels
A.T. Soares, L.M. Soares & Louise M. Soares
37The Anxiety Scale for the BlindR.E. Hardy
38The Minnesota Percepto-Diagnostic TestG.B. Fuller
39Children’s Apperception TestL. Bellak & S.S. Bellak
40Thematic Apperception TestH.A. Murrary
41Personality Tests and ReviewsO.K. Buros
42Wide Range Intelligence-Personality TestJ.F. Jastak
43Test Anxiety InventoryH.P. Gonzalez,
C.J. Taylor, G.R. Ross &
W.D. Anton
44Test of Behavioural RigidityK.W. Schaie
45Bem Sex-Role InventorySandra Lipsitz Bem
46The Quality of School LifeJ.L. Epstein
47Classroom Environment ScaleE.J. Trickett
48Balthazar Scales of Adaptive BehaviourE.E. Balthazar
49Maslow Security Insecurity ScaleA.L. Maslow
50State-Trait Anxiety InventoryC.D. Spielberger
51State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for ChildrenC.D. Spielberger
52Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ‘FormF&G’I.B. Myers
53Clinical analysis QuestionnaireR.B. Cattell &
K.H. Delhess
54The Jesness InventoryCarl F. Jesness
55Bells Adjustment Inventory Student formH.M. Bell
56Maslach Burnout InventoryChristina Maslach
57IES Test-(Photo-Analysis)L.A. Dombrose &
S. Slobin
58Minnesota Multi-phasic Personality InventoryS.R. Hathaway
59Thematic Apperception TestH. Murray
60California Test of PersonalityW.W. Clark
61SRA Youth InventorySRA
62Character and Personality Test (Boys & Girls)A. Press
63Handwriting ScaleL. Payres
64Psychiatric Rating ScalesJ.R. Wittenlorn
65Johnson Temperament AnalysisR.H. Johnson
66Kent Rosanaff Free Association TestK. Rosanaff
67Mooney Problem ChecklistR.L. Mooney
68IES Picture Title TestL.A. Dombrose
69Personality ScheduleL.L. Thurstone
70IES-Arrow-Dot TestL.A. Dombrose
7116 Personality Factor QuestionnaireR.B. Cattell
72Proverbs TestD.R. Gorham
73Rorschach Psycho-Diagnostic TestH. Bern
74Minnesota Inventory of Social BehaviourE.G. Williamson
75Syracuse Scales of Social RelationsE.F. Gardner
76The Alcado TestMorse P. Manson
77Horn-Hellersberg Test (The Individual’sRelation to reality in our Culture)E. Hellersberg
78The Case of Mickey MurphyW.R. Baller
79Adjustment InventoryH.M. Bell
80Pseudo Isochromatic PlatesL.H. Hardy
81Fatigue Scales KitPsychometric Affiliates
82Curtis Completion FormJ.W. Curtis
83IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityR.B. Cattell
84Affectivity Interview BlankE. Mechem
85Minnesota T-S-E- InventoryC. Evans &
T.R. McConnell
86Easel Age ScaleB. Lantz
87Kilander Health Knowledge TestH.F. Kilander
88Heston Personal Adjustment InventoryJ.C. Heston
89The Manson EvaluationM.P. Manson
90The Hunt Minnesota Test for Organic Brain DamageH.F. Hunt
91The Blacky PicturesG.S. Blum
92Make a Picture Story TestE.S. Shneidman
93Adaptability TestJ. Tiffin
94Gordon Personal ProfileL.V. Gordon
95Thurstone Temperament ScheduleL.L. Thurstone
96Evaluation of Personality traits Through TAT PicturesB.E.P.A.
97The Personality SurveyP.M. Symonds
98The Life Adjustment InventoryR.C. Dell
99Stamp Behaviour Study TechniqueI.M. Stamp
100Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorI.B. Myers
101Personal Health InventoryO.E. Byrd
102Patient’s Self HistoryO.E. Byrd
103Behaviour Cards-Record SheetR.M. Stogdill
104Visual Motor Gestalt TestL. Bender
105Personality InventoryR.G. Bernreuter
106Test of Basic AssumptionsM. Levit
107S.R.A. Youth InventoryH.H. Remmers
108Rorschach Individual Record BlanksB.K. Lopper
109The A-S Reaction StudyG.W. Allport
110Children’s Picture TestE. Battle
111H.T.P. TestIssac Jolles
112Completion of DrawingsM.Richard & P.Philip
113Rosenzweig P.F. StudyS. Rosenzweig & U.Pareek
114Rating Scale for Pupil AdjustmentS.R.A.
115Test of Insight into Human MotivesH.D. Sargent
116Szondi TestVersuchsieifer
117Clinical Analysis QuestionnaireR.B. Cattell
118Motivation Analysis TestRaymond B. Cattell & John L. Horn
119IPAT Depression Scale (Personal Assessment Inventory)Samuel E. Kru
120Neuroticism Scale QuestionnaireR.B. Cattell
121IPAT Humor Test of PersonalityR.B. Cattell
122Social Skill InventoryRonald E. Riggio
123Children’s Personality QuestionnaireP. Cattell
124Daily Stress InventoryPhilip J. Brantley
125The Stroop Neuropsychological Screening TestMax R. Trenerry Bruce Crosson
126Psychological Pain InventoryC.J. Getto & R.K. Heaton
127Reynold’s Adolescent Depression ScaleWilliam M. Reynold
128Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ)Cattell
129State-Trait Anger Expression InventoryCharles D. Splilberger
130Using the Myer Briggs Type Indicator OperationMyer & Briggs
131Maudsley Personality InventoryH.J.Eysenck
132Eysencks Personality QuestionnaireH.J.Eysenck
133A Gudie to the development & Use of the Myer-Briggs Type IndicatorI.B.Myers
134Myer-Briggs Type Indicator ApplicationsI.B.Myers
135Myer-Briggs Type Indicator in OrganizationI.B.Myers
136Free Association Test (100 Words List Method)Jung & Kent
137Problem Solving Concept FormationHoffman & Kaisenien
138Student Teacher Relationship ScaleInventory Kit
139Revised Behaviour Problem ChecklistHerbert C.Quay &
Donald R.Peterson
140Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI)Wendy Lord
141Emotional Problems Scales (EPS)H.Thompson Prout,
Douglas C.Strohmer
142Social Emotional Dimensions Scale (2nd Edition)Jerry B.Hullon & Timothy G.Roberts
143Resiliency Scales for Children and Adolescents – A Profile of Personal StrengthsSandra Prince-Embury
144AARS Adolescent Anger Rating ScaleDeAnna Mckinnie Burney, Ph.D
145Depression and Anxiety in Youth ScalePhyllis L.Newcomer Edna, M.Barenbaum,
Brian R.Bryant
146Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening InventoryWilliam M Reynolds, Ph.D.
147Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale –2nd EditionWilliam M.Reynolds, Ph.D.
148Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive FunctionGerald A. Gioia, Peter K. Isqwith, Steven C.Evu and Lawren Kenworthy
149Children’s Measure of Obsessive- Compulsive Symptoms (CMOCS)C.R.Reynolds, R.B.Livingston
150Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI)M.B.Frisch
151NEOTM Inventories for the
1. NEO
TM Personality Inventory-3 (NEOTM –PI-3)
2. NEO
TM Five-Factor Inventory-3 (NEOTM –FFI-3)
3. NEO
TM Personality Inventory- Revised (NEO-PI-RTM)
Robert R.McCrae Paul T.Costa
152Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety ScaleCecil R. Reynolds and Bert
O. Richmond
153Sacks’ Sentence Completion Test (English)Sacks
154Test Anxiety Inventory – Sampler SetCharles D. Spielberger
155Friedman Well-Being ScalePhilip H. Friedman
156Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation InventoryRaymond W.Novaco
157College Adjustment ScalesWilliam D.Anton and
James R.Reed
158Personal Stress and Well-being AssessmentJon Warner
159Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire & Five-Factor Non-verbal Personality QuestionnaireS.V. Paunonen,
D.N. Jackson,
M.C. Ashton
160College Adjustment Scale (CAS)W.D. Anton,
James R. Read
161Five Factor Personality Inventory – Children (FFPI-C)R.L. McGhee,
D.J. Ehrler,
J.A. Buckhalt
162Coping Responses Inventory – Youth FormRudolf H. Moos
163Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory (RASSI)W. M. Reynolds
164Early School Personality QuestionaireCattell
165Aggression QuestionnaireArnold H. Buss & W.L Warren
Personality and adjustment tests assess individual traits and emotional well-being to evaluate psychological adjustment and overall functioning.