S.No | Title of the Test | Author(s) |
01 | Item Analysis Chart and Instructions | A. Edwin Harper, B. Dass Gupta & S.P. Sangal |
02 | Famous Sayings | Bernard M. Bass |
03 | The Interviewer’s Manual | H.H. Morgan |
04 | Experimental & Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research | D.T. Campbell & J.C. Stanley |
05 | Standards for Educational & Psychological Tests | American Psychological Association |
06 | Seventh Mental Measurement Year Book Vol. I & II | O.K. Buros |
07 | The Individual Educational Programme (1978) Level I and Level II | James J. Lynn |
08 | Second Handbook of Psychological and Social Instruments | D.M. Pestonjee |
09 | Mental Examiners Handbook | F.L.Wells & J.Ruesch |
10 | How I Teach (Analysis of IDA Teaching Practice) | B. Kelley |
11 | Metzger’s Table of 10,000 Square roots | MT. Metzger |
12 | How Supervise? | Q.W. File and H.H.Remmers |
13 | Ready Reckoner for Percentile Ranks | Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance, Bangalore |
14 | Civic Education Bulletin | I.E.A. |
15 | C-D Hand Correlation Chart | E.E. Cureton |
16 | Teaching Pupils to Think | M.S.S.C. New York |
17 | Teaching Basic Fields of Knowledge | -do- |
18 | Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign language | C.C. Fries |
19 | The Dynamics of School Community Relationship | R.F. Combell |
20 | Test Service Bulletins | R.T. Lennon |
21 | Dictionary of Education | C.V. Good |
22 | Modern Biology | T.J. Moon |
23 | Special Education for the Exceptional | M.E. Frampton |
24 | Supervising Instructions in Secondary School | R.C. Hommock |
25 | Education for Social Competence | I.J. Quillen |
26 | The Adaptable School | C.H. Kumpf |
27 | Elementary School Student Teaching | G. Max wingo |
28 | Financial Aid for College Students Graduates | R.C. Maltingly |
29 | Patterns of Culture | Ruth Benedict |
30 | Measurement and Evaluation | T.L. Torgerson |
31 | Learning From Problems | R.M. Hall |
32 | Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education | R.L. Thorndike |
33 | Concise Oxford Dictionary | H.N. Fowler |
34 | Baltimore Age Calculator | J.L. Stenquist |
35 | Correlation Chart | W.N. Durest |
36 | High School Testing Programmes | S.R.A. |
37 | S.R.A. Better Reading Books | E.A. Simpson |
38 | How to Use the Reading Acceleration | E.A. Simpson |
39 | Baroda Studies in Mental Measurement (Group Test of Intelligence) | T.P.Lele, R.S.Thakar |
40 | Normal Percentile Chart | A.S. Otis |
41 | Test Service Note Book | P.T. Lennon |
42 | Applied General Statistics | Croxton & Cowden |
43 | Group dimensions Descriptions Questionnaire | J.K. Hemphill & Charles M. Westie |
44 | Native Language English Proficiency & the Structure of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (Research Report) | P.K. Altman & B. Thomas |
45 | The Interaction of Student Major Field Group & Test Content in TOFEL Reading Comprehension | G.R. Hale |
46 | Non Response Bias in the G.R.E. Background Questionnaire | Jeriler Grandy |
47 | Multiple-Choice Close Items & The Test of English as a Foreign Language (Report) | G.A. Hali & D.A. Rock |
48 | Exploiting Collateral Information in the Estimation of Item Parameters (Report) | J.M. Robert |
49 | Randomization Based Inferences About Latent Variables from Complex Samples (Report) | J.M. Robert |
50 | Specifying Optimum Examiners for Item Parameter Estimation in Item Response Theory (Report) | M.L. Stocking |
51 | The Role of Collateral Information about Examiners in Item Parameter Estimation (Report) | R.J. Mistivy & K.M. Scechan |
52 | The Equivalence of Scores from Automated & Conventional and Psychological Tests (Report) | J.M. Mazzeo |
53 | The National Hispanic Scholar Awards Programme (Report) | B. Chuclewell |
54 | Sex Difference in SAT Scores (Report) | N.W. Burton, C.Lewis, and N.Robertson |
55 | Diagnostic Assessment in Instruction (Research Report) | G.A. Farehand |
56 | A Comparison of the Structural Relationships Among Readings, Listening, Writing & Speaking (Research Report) | Rick Morgen |
57 | A Study of the Comparability of Scores obtained on the A.T.P. Mathematics level I & II Tests (Report) | Linda Cook |
58 | Measurement Science & Training (Report) | C. Victor Bunder Son |
59 | Clusters as the unit of Analysis in Differential item Functioning (Report) | R.E. Bennett |
60 | Understanding Document Literacy Variables Underlying the Performance of Young Adults (Report) | I.S. Kirsch |
61 | The Influence of Reading Patterns on the Proficiencies of Young Adults (Report) | I.S. Kirsch |
62 | Grade Level of Performance on Care Battery (Report) | G.E. Demauro |
63 | Analysis of Differential Item Functioning in the NAEP History Assessment (Report) | R. Zwick & K.Ercikan |
64 | Confidence Bands for the Three Parameter Logistic Item Response Curve (Report) | E.M. Lord |
65 | Sex Group Membership as a Factor in Handicapped Students GRE General Test Performance (Report) | R.E. Bdneett & D.A. Rock |
66 | Adjusting Scores on Examinations Offering a Choice of Essay Questions (Report) | S.A. Livingston |
67 | Common Wealth Universities Year Book (1990) | A.C.U. |
68 | Mentor’s Guide and Peroteges Handbook | E.Paul Torrance |
69 | Essentials of Assessment Report Writing | Eligabeth O.Lichtenberger Nancy Mather Nadeen L.Kaufman Alan S.Kaufman |
70 | Third Hand Book of Psychological and Social Instruments (Two volumes) | D.M.Pestonjee |
71 | The Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology | David Matsumoto |
72 | Designing Elementary Instruction & Assessment (using Cognitive domain) | John Badgett, Edwin P.christmann |
73 | Developing Performance – based assessment (Grade K-5) | Nancy P.Gallavan |
74 | Developing Performance – Based assessment (Grade 6-12) | Nancy P.Gallavan |
75 | Designing Middle & High School Instruction & Assessment (using Cognitive domain) | John Badgett, Edwin P.christmann |
76 | Making Vocational Choices (3rd Ed.) | John L.Holland |
77 | Psychometric Assessment, Statistics and Report Writing – An Introduction for Psychologisits, Teacher and Health Professionals | B.Johnson and G.H. Johnson |
78 | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edn.2017 (DSM- V) | American Psychiatric Association (APA) |