Personality Tests

Personality tests are assessments designed to measure various aspects of an individual’s personality, including traits, behavior patterns, and characteristic tendencies. These tests aim to provide insights into an individual’s unique psychological makeup, helping to understand and predict their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The primary objective of personality tests is to provide a standardized and objective measure of an individual’s personality traits and characteristics. These assessments are often administered by psychologists, counselors, or other professionals in settings such as clinical psychology, research studies, career counseling, or personal development.

Personality tests typically involve self-report questionnaires or inventories that ask individuals to rate their agreement or disagreement with statements or behaviors related to different personality dimensions. These dimensions may include extraversion/introversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and emotional stability/neuroticism. The results of personality tests generate a profile that reflects an individual’s relative position on these dimensions.

Personality tests are valuable tools in several contexts:

  1. Psychological Assessment: Personality tests contribute to psychological assessment by providing insights into an individual’s personality traits, patterns, and functioning. They assist in diagnosing and understanding various psychological disorders, such as personality disorders or mood disorders, and inform treatment planning and interventions.
  2. Career Counseling: Personality tests are often used in career counseling and vocational guidance. By assessing an individual’s personality traits, interests, and values, these tests help individuals explore suitable career paths that align with their personality and provide job satisfaction. They inform career decisions, identify strengths and weaknesses, and guide individuals toward occupations that match their unique characteristics.
  3. Personal Development: Personality tests can be valuable tools for personal growth and self-awareness. By understanding their personality traits, individuals can gain insights into their strengths, preferences, and areas for personal development. These assessments facilitate self-reflection, enhance interpersonal skills, and contribute to overall well-being.

It is important to note that personality tests have limitations and should be used in conjunction with other assessments and qualitative observations. Personality is a complex and multifaceted construct, and no single test can fully capture the richness and intricacies of an individual’s personality. Factors such as cultural differences, situational influences, and self-report biases should also be considered when interpreting test results.

Furthermore, it is crucial that personality tests are administered and interpreted by professionals trained in their use to ensure accuracy and appropriate application. Ethical considerations, confidentiality, and informed consent are essential when conducting personality assessments.

List of Personality Tests (Indian)

S.NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01Aggression QuestionnaireG.C. Pati
02D-P Scale (Dependence Proneness) (Hindi)J.B.P. Sinha
03Ego-Strength Scale (Hindi)Q. Hasan
04Prolonged Deprivation Scale (PDS) (Hindi)Girishwar Misra & L.B. Tripathi
05Security-Insecurity (S-I) InventoryGovind Tiwari & H.M. Singh
06Level of Aspiration TestV.P. Bhargava
07Level of AspirationH.M. Singh & G. Tiwari
08The Inferiority & Insecurity Questionnaires (Inferiority Questionnaire)G.C. Pati
09The Inferiority & Insecurity Questionnaires (Insecurity Questionnaires)G.C. Pati
10Battery of Pre-Adolescent Personality TestsUdai Pareek, T.V. Rao, P.Ramalingaswamy, B.R. Sharma
11Pre-Adolescent ] Scale – Form A & BUdai Pareek, T.V. Rao, P.Ramalingaswamy, B.R. Sharma
12Pre-Adolescent Class Trust ScaleUdai Pareek, T.V.Rao, P.Ramalingaswamy, B.R. Sharma
13Pre-Adolescent Initiative QuestionnaireUdai Pareek, T.V.Rao, P.Ramalingaswamy, B.R. Sharma
14Pre-Adolescent Activity Level Scale (PAALS)Udai Pareek, T.V.Rao, P.Ramalingaswamy, B.R. Sharma
15Pre-Adolescent Level of Aspiration Test (PALAT-RP)

U. Pareek, T.V. Rao, B.R. Sharma & P.Ramalingaswamy
16Manual for the Battery of Pre- Adolescent Persoanlity TestU. Pareek
17Sinha Anxiety Scale (Hindi)Durganand Sinha
18Dutt Personality Inventory (In Hindi & English)N.K. Dutt
19Fear in Children Inventory (Hindi)C.B. Dwivedi
20Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) Hindi Version Form A1 & A2S.D. Kapoor & Sharadamba Rao
2116 P.F. Test (Hindi) Form A & BS.D. Kapoor
22Jr. Sr. High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) (Hindi)S.D. Kapoor & K.K. Mehrotra
23Contact Personality Factor Test (Hindi) Form A & BS.S. Srivastava & S.D. Kapoor
24Stewart Maturity ScaleT.V. Rao & A.J. Stewart
25Children’s Apperception Test (C.A.T.) (Indian Adaptation)Uma Choudhury
26Thematic Apperception Test (T.A.T.)Uma Chowdhury
27Kundu Introversion Extraversion InventoryRamnath Kundu
28Personality Differential (A Measure of Self Concept) (English & Hindi)K.G. Agrawal
29Personality differential(PD) (Full Scale) (Hindi)K.G. Agarwal
30The Indian Adaptation of Lowenfeld Mosaic TestB.B. Chatterjee
31Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality Inventory (Hindi version)S.S. Jalota & S.D. Kapoor
32Personality Inventory (Extroversion- Introversion Scale) (Hindi)Y. Singh
33Introversion-Extroversion Inventory (Hindi)P.F. Aziz & R. Agnihotry
34What Kind of Person Are You? TestB. Nisha & K. Gupta
35Indian F-Scale (A measure of Authoritarianism)L.I. Bhushan
36Self-Disclosure Inventory for Adolescents (Hindi)V. Sinha
37Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (Hindi)A.K.P. Sinha
38Test –Anxiety Scale (Hindi)V.P. Sharma
39Kundu’s Neurotic Personality Inventory(K.N.P.I.)Ramnath Kundu
40Youth Problem Inventory (Hindi)M. Verma
41Emotional Maturity Scale (Hindi)Y. Singh & M. Bhargava
42Superstition Scale (Hindi)L.N. Dubey
43Comprehensive Value Scale (Hindi)K.G. Aggarwal
44Measurement of Value Orientation Affected by Movies (Hindi)M. Ojha
45Level of Aspiration TestM.A. Shah
46Moral Judgement Test (Hindi)D.N. Sinha
47The Self Reporting Inventory for Extroversion and Introversion (Hindi)S.P. Kulshrestha
48Anxiety Scale (Hindi)D.N. Srivastava & G. Tiwari
49Anxiety Scale (English)D.N. Srivastava & G. Tiwari
50Frustration Test (Hindi)N.S. Chauhan & G.P. Tiwari
51Frustration Test (English)N.S. Chauhan & G.P. Tiwari
52Verbal Frustration Test (VFT)B.C. Muthayya
53Ascendence –Submission ScaleK. Dwivedi
54Ascendence –Submission ScaleK. Dwivedi
55Liar & Criminal Detection TestH.G. Singh
56The Neyman-Kohilstedt Diagnostic Test for Introversion-Extroversion (Hindi)Jai Prakash
57Behavioural Deviance Scale (for boys) (Hindi)N.S. Chauhan
58Behavioural Deviance Scale (for boys) (English)N.S. Chauhan
59Behavioural Deviance Scale (for girls) (English)N.S. Chauhan
60MultiVariable Personality InventoryB.C. Muthayya
61Personality Need Inventory (English)C.P. Sharma
62Personality Need Inventory (Hindi)C.P. Sharma
63Construction & Standardization of P.G.I Health Questionnaire, N-2S.K. Verma & N.N. Wig
64The Indian Adaptation of Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study for ChildrenUdai Pareek
65Approval Motive ScaleN.K.M. Tripathi & L.B. Tripathi
66Sociometric Test (Hindi)Vishva Bandhu Chatterji
67Sportsman-Spirit TestL.N. Dubey
68Prestige Suggestion Test (Hindi)APRC’s Research ProductSeries
69Flexibility- Rigidity ScaleV.P. Bhargava & F.B. Ansari
70Sentence Completion Test (Hindi)G. Tiwari
71A Test of Measure of Humour (for College Students & Adults)B.C. Muthayya
72Multivariable Personality InventoryB.C. Muthayya
73Pupils Problem Checklist (Gujarati)J.N. Shah
74Self Analysis Questionnaire (Gujarati)H. Badami & C. Badami
75Self Perception Inventory (Gujarati)Kusum K. Bhatt
76Problem Check ListN. Bhagia
77Political Efficacy Alienation Scale (Hindi)A. Tambar
78Political Efficacy Alienation Scale (English)A. Tambar
79Langer Paliwal Scale of Psycho- Physical StrainT.R.P. Paliwal
80Leadership Preference ScaleL.I. Bhushan
81Change Proneness InventoryM.M.Mukhopadhyay
82Personal InventoryM.N. Palsane
83Persistence QuestionnaireNisha Dhawan & D. Sinha
84Aapka Vyaktitva: Ek Naidanik janch (Your Personality: A Clinical Investigation)V.D. Misra
85Vyaktitva, Ek Panchpakshiya MoolyankanV.D. Misra
86Emotional Maturity Scale (English & Hindi)R. Pal
87Hostility Scale (English & Hindi)R. Pal
88Aggression Scale (English & Hindi)R. Pal
89Persistence Questionnaire (Hindi)Nisha Dhawan
90Manifest Anxiety Scale for Children (English & Hindi)T. Naquvi
91Multi-Dimensional Personality Inventory (Hindi)M.R. Aggarwal
92Motivation Analysis Test (English & Hindi)S.D. Kapoor
93A Verbal Measure of Risk Taking (Hindi)T. Naquvi
94Choice-Dilemmas Questionnaire (Measure of Risk Taking Behaviour)S.M. Yousuf
95Behaviour Prediction Scale (Hindi)S.M. Yousuf
96Social Distance Scale (Hindi & English)Kamal Dwivedi
97Locus of Control (for Primary Children) (English & Hindi)Roma Pal
98Locus of Control Scale (for Adolescents and Adults)Roma Pal
99Ways of life Questionnaire (Hindi)Govind Tiwari
100Dimensions of Temperament ScaleN.K. Chadha
101Defence Mechanism Inventory (Hindi)N.R. Mrinal
102CMI Health Questionnaire (Male & Female) (Hindi)N.N. Wig
103Presumptive Stressful Life Events ScaleGurmeet Singh, Dalbir Kaur & Harsharan Kaur
104Anxiety Scale for Children (Hindi)A. Kumar
105Children’s Approval Seeking Test (English/Hindi)N.K.M. Tripathi
106Malhotra Temperament ScheduleS. Malhotra & A. Malhotra
107Youth Problem InventoryMithilesh Verma
108Fear Check ListRavinder Kaur
109Bisht Battery of Stress ScaleAbha Rani Bisht
110Violence and Non-Violence Reaction StudyV.K. Mittal
111The L.A. Coding TestA. Ansari
112Kundu’s Neurotic Personality InventoryR.N. Kundu
113L.D. Proneness ScaleM.L. Lidhoo
114Kishore Vyaktitva Talika (Hindi)V.K. Singh
115Personality Trait InventoryN.N. Sen
116Sociogenic Need Satisfaction ScaleN.S. Chauhan
117Approval Motive ScaleN.K.M. Tripathi
118Children’s Approval Seeking TestN.K.M. Tripathi
119Comprehensive Scale of TensionR. Bharadwaj
120Medico Psychological QuestionnaireJ. Bharath Raj
121Impulsiveness ScaleS.N. Rai
122Conformity BehaviourS.N. Rai
123A Scale of Machiavellianism (IV Scale)S.N. Rai
124Sexuality ScalePramod Kumar
125Tiwari Change Proneness Scale (Hindi)P.S. Tiwari
126S.R.A. Youth InventoryP.T. Raval
127Clinical Analysis QuestionnaireS.D. Kapoor
128Motivation Analysis Test (Hindi)S.D. Kapoor
129Neuroticism Scale Questionnaire (Hindi)S.D. Kapoor
130Eight State QuestionnairePsycho-Centre, New Delhi
131Eight State Questionnaire (Hindi)Psycho-Centre, New Delhi
132Rao’s Social Maturity Scale (Hindi)Nalini Rao
133Rao’s Social Maturity ScaleNaline Rao
134Dimensions of Temperament ScaleN.K. Chadha
135P.G.I. Health QuestionnaireS.K. Verma
136C.M.I. Health Questionnaire (Hindi)N.N. Wig
137Dysfunction Analysis QuestionnaireDwarka Pershad
138Psycho-Physiological State InventorySanjay Vohra
139Dimensions of Friendship ScaleS. Chandra
140Dimensions of Rigidity ScaleN.K. Chadha
141Teacher’s Role Conflict InventoryPramila Prasad
142Rotter’s Locus of Control ScaleAnand Kumar
143Tools for Secondary Class Students:
1. Mental Health Scale
2. Personality Development Inventory
S.P. Anand
144Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality Series (Adult)Psy-Com Services
145-do- (MAP Format)-do-
146-do- (Children)-do-
147-do- (Primary Level)-do-
148State Trait Anxiety TestPsy-Com Services
149Levenson’s Locus of Control ScaleSanjay Vohra
150Vineland Social Maturity ScaleA.J. Malin
151Children’s Personality Questionnaire (Hindi)S.D. Kapoor
152Manifest Anxiety ScaleD.N. Srivastava
153Children Personality QuestionnaireMedha Kumthekar & Aparna Joshi
154The AIIMS Comprehensive Neuropsychological BatterySurya Gupta
155Personality InventoryJnana Prabodhini Pune
156Children’s personality (C.P.Q.) (Hindi)Rao & Kapoor
157The Test for Social Acceptability Among PeersS.L. Chopra
158Machiavellianism ScaleS.N. Rai & Manula upta
159Global Adjustment Scale (Student Form)Psy-Com Services
160Global Adjustment Scale (Adult Form)Psy-Com Serivces
161Emotional Competence ScaleR. Bharadwaj
162Social Distance ScaleK. Dewedi Shobha Bhatnagar Usha Asthana
163Social Competence ScaleV.P. Sharma & Prabha Shukla
164Machiavellianism ScaleS.N. Rai & Manjula Gupta
165Intolerance of Ambiguity ScaleP. Sarin
166Life Satisfaction ScaleQ.G. Alam & R. Srivastava
167Life Satisfaction ScaleP. Singh & G. Joseph
168Memory Test for Intolerance of AmbiguityM. Misra
169The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale (Hindi)S.P. Malhotra
170The Essay Paragraph Analysis Scale (English)S.P. Malhotra
171Reactionism Radicalism ScaleSucheta Kumari
172Comprehensive Modernization InventoryS.P. Ahluwalia and Ashok Kalia
173Collters Rigidity ScaleJ.S. Mathur
174Childrens Curiosity ScaleR. Kumar
175Behaviour Orientation ScaleP. Kumar Jha
176Perceived Loneliness ScaleP. Kumar Jha
177Social Maturity ScaleR.P. Srivastava
178Emotional Stability Test for childrenA.S. Gupta
179Scale for Assessing Social DisadvantageA.S. Gupta
180Dimensional Personality InventoryM. Bhargava
181Excitability Rating ScaleK. Sinha
182Risk Taking QuestionnaireV. Sinha
183PGI General Well Being MeasuresS.K. Verma
184Emotional Stability Test for ChildrenA.S. Gupta
185Self-Control ScaleA.K. Singh & A. Sen Gupta
186Mental Health BatteryA.K. Singh & A. Sen Gupta
187Moral Judgment Test (MJT)D. Sinha &
Meera Verma
188Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP, Form-A)Psy-Com Services
189Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP Form-T)Psy-Com Services
190Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP Form-T)Psy-Com Services
191Multi-Dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP Form-C)Psy-Com Services
192Workers Personality ScalePsy-Com Services
193Somatic Inkblot Series (SIS-II & Video)W.A. Cassell and B.L. Dubey
194Developmental Screening Test (DSTJ. Bharat Raj
195Coulter’s Rigidity ScaleI.S. Muhar & Prabha Bhatia
196The Modernization ScaleRaghavendra S. Singh, A.N. Tripathi & Ramjeet Lal
197Dimensions of Rigidity ScaleN.K. Chadha
198Comprehensive Modernization InventoryS.P. Ahluwalia
199Tiwari Change Proneness ScaleP.S.Tiwari
200Type A/B Behavioural Pattern ScaleUpinder Dhar
201Differential Personality InventoryA.K.Singh
202Tripathi Personal Preference ScaleR.P.Tripathi
203Social Preference and Social Behaviour InventoryN.C.Joshi & Pandey
204Punctuality ScaleAlam and Srivastava
205Obedient and Disobedient Tendency ScaleC.S.Mehta & Hasnain
206Risk Taking QuestionnaireP.N.Arora & Sinha
207Indian Adaptation of Thematic Test Apperception TestL.P.Mehrotra
208Free Association Test (Words List Method)Mahesh Sharma Bharat Varchney
209Need Pattern ScaleSeema Singh
210Social Motive ScaleR.N.Singh & M.Bhargava
211Approval Motive ScaleK.M.Tripathi & L.V.Tripathi
212Children’s Approval Seeking TestK.M.Tripathi & Ravi Ambont
213Impulse Control ScaleAnjali Srivastava
214Test of Reaction to FrustrationS.N.Dubey
215A study of Teacher’s Reactions to Frustrations in School situationsN.K.Goyal
216Reactions to Frustration ScaleB.N.Dixit
217Measurement to Frustration ToleranceS.N.Rai
218Bisht Battery of Stress ScaleAbha Rani
219State-Trait Anxiety TestMAP Series
220Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety TestA.K.P. Sinha
221Comprehensive Anxiety TestH. Sharma
222Indian Adaptation of Saran Son’s General Anxiety Scale for School ChildrenA. Kumar
223Academic Anxiety Scale for ChildrenA.K. Singh
224Test Anxiety ScaleV.P. Sharma
225Test Anxiety for ChildrenA. Kumar
226Death Anxiety ScaleU. Dhar, S. Mehta & S. Dhar
227Fear of Personal Death ScaleM. Rajamanik
228Security–Insecurity ScaleBeena Shah
229P.G.I. Memory ScaleD. Pershad
230Mental Health InventoryJagdish Srivastava
231Mental Health ChecklistPramod Kumar
232Emotional Stability QuestionnairePsy.Com Services
233Mental Fatigue (Hindi)D.D. Joshi
234Social Competence Scale (SCS)V.P.Sharma, Prabha Shukla & Kiran Shukla
235Measuring Decision making Capacity of Educational AdministratorsAshok Kr. Pandey
236Mohsin Security Insecurity TestS.M.Mohsin
237Sense of Responsibility Scale (Hindi)Sarla Pandey
238Coping Strategies Scale (English & Hindi)A.K.Srivastava
239Test Anxiety Inventory (Hindi)Anup Sud & Prerna Sud
240Deprivation Scale (Hindi)S.K. Pal, K.S.Misra & Kalplata Pandey
241Autism Spectrum Disorder Questionnaire (ASDQ)Uday Kumar Sinha
242Anxiety, Depression and Stress Scale (ADSS-BSPSA) EnglishPallavi Bhatnagar
243Big Five Personality Inventory (BFPI) HindiArun Kumar Singh and Ashok Kumar
244P.G.I. General Well-being Measure (PGIGW-VV) Hindi/EnglishS.K.Verma and Anita Verma
245Personal Efficacy ScaleA.P. Singh and Dr. Pratiraj Kumari
246Stress Coping Techniques QuestionnaireV. Laxmi and S. Narain
247Interpesonal Skills InventoryL. Jakbowska, P. Sharma and S. Nigam
248Adolescent Resilience Scale (ARS)R. Raj J.J. and A.H.M. Vijayalaxmi
249RINAPS Family Relations Test: A Project TestDr. Amool Ranjan, Dr. Masoor Jahan,
and Dr. Jay Kumar Ranjan
250Assertiveness Assessment InventoryDr. Masroor Jahan, Amool & Dolly
251Bist Battery of Stress Scales (BBSS) (13 to 17 years )Abha Rani
252Defense Mechanism Inventory (DMI) (For graduate & adults) – FemaleN.R. Mrinal and Uma Singhal
253Defense Mechanism Inventory (DMI) Male ( For graduate & adults)- MaleN.R. Mrinal and Uma Singhal
254Life Event ScaleC.N. Daftuar
255Multiple Anxiety Inventory (14-18yrs)Vishal Sood, Arti Anand &Tarun Mehta
Personality tests provide valuable insights into an individual’s personality traits, behavior patterns, and characteristics. By assessing and understanding personality, these tests contribute to psychological assessment, career counseling, and personal development, helping individuals gain self-awareness, make informed decisions, and foster personal growth.