Reference Material and Literature on Testing

When it comes to reference material and literature on testing, there are various resources available that cover different aspects of testing across disciplines. Here are some key references and literature sources you may find helpful:

  1. “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing” (American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, National Council on Measurement in Education) – This book outlines the best practices, principles, and guidelines for the development, administration, and interpretation of educational and psychological tests.
  2. “Handbook of Psychological Assessment” (Gary Groth-Marnat, A. Jordan Wright) – This comprehensive handbook provides an overview of various psychological assessment tools, including personality tests, intelligence tests, and specific clinical assessment measures. It covers test administration, interpretation, and psychometric properties.
  3. “Assessment in Counseling: Procedures and Practices” (Danica G. Hays) – This book focuses on assessment in the context of counseling and psychotherapy. It covers topics such as assessment ethics, selecting and administering tests, and using assessment results in treatment planning and intervention.
  4. “Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues” (Robert M. Kaplan, Dennis P. Saccuzzo) – This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to psychological testing, covering topics such as test development, reliability, validity, test administration, and test interpretation. It also explores the social and ethical issues surrounding testing.
  5. “Measurement and Assessment in Psychology” (Paul C. Cozby) – This book provides an overview of measurement and assessment concepts in psychology, including the principles of test construction, validity, and reliability. It covers topics such as survey research, observational methods, and statistical analysis of test data.
  6. “Tests: A Comprehensive Reference for Assessments in Psychology, Education, and Business” (Taddy Maddox) – This reference guide provides information on a wide range of tests used in psychology, education, and business settings. It includes descriptions, purposes, and administration details for each test, making it a valuable resource for test selection and understanding.
  7. “Educational Testing and Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice” (Tom Kubiszyn, Gary D. Borich) – This book focuses on testing and measurement in educational settings. It covers topics such as test development, item analysis, test administration, and interpreting test scores for educational decision-making.

These are just a few examples of the vast literature available on testing. Depending on your specific area of interest, such as educational testing, psychological assessment, or specific types of tests, you can explore further literature and research articles from academic journals and professional organizations in those respective fields.

List of Reference Material and Literature on Testing (Indian)

S No.Title of the TestAuthor(s)
01Handbook of Psychological and Social InstrumentU. Pareek & T. V. Rao
02Directory of Indian Behavioural Science Research (Vol. I & II)U. Pareek
03Hanbook of Psychological and Social InstrumentU. Pareek & T. V. Rao
04Perimetric ChartM. Basvanna
05Item Analysis Chart and InstructionsA. Edwin Harper, B. Dass Gupta & S. P. Sangal
06Transformation of Raw Scores in to Percentile Ranks and Normalized Standard ScoresA. M. Shrikant Rao
07A Comprehensive Scale of EntrepreneureshipV. P. Sharma
08Classroom Boundary Questionnaire (Hindi)B. Nisha
09Innovative Educational practicesT. S. Avinashlingam
10Indo-Dutch Project for Child WelfareNational Institute of Community Development Hyderabad
11Mental Retradation & LearningS. K. Goel & A. K. Sen
12Psycho-Educational Research in Mental RetardationS. K. Goel & A. K. Sen
13The Concept and Assessment IntelligenceD. Pershad
14A Self-Evaluating Scale of State Trait and Free FloatingR. R. Trapathi
15The Teacher’s Rating Scale Screening for Learning DifficultiesP. Mohite
16Have Tool Will MeasureT. S. Saraswathi, V. Shah & Amita Verma
17Baroda Studies in Mental Measurement (group Test of Intelligence)T. P. Lele, R. S. Thakar
18Manovigyan Paribhasha Kosh (hindi)Publication Division Govt. of India
19Woman Social Freedom ScaleL. I. Bhusan
20Local Norms on the Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board TestBaqer Mehdi
21Indian Mental Measurement Hand Book (Intelligence & Aptitude Test)NCERT
22A Handbook for Administering Psychological TestJnana Probodhini Pune
23Handbook of Value Attitude Interest Measurement in IndiaNCERT
24Handbook of Personality Measurement in IndiaNCERT
25Principles of Questionnaire Development with Empirical StudiesDebdulal Dutta Roy
26Educational and Vocational Guidance in Secondary SchoolsS.K. Kochhar
27Anger Management-Paperback-HindiSwati Y. Bhave