Achievement Tests (Non-Indian)

S.NoTitle of the TestAuthor(s)
01The Wide Range Achievement TestJ.F. Jastak &
S.R. Jastak
02Peabody Individual Achievement Test Vol. I (Mathematics Reading Recognition) Vol. II (Reading- Comprehension-Spelling)L.M. Dunn &
F.C. Markwardt
03The Test of Achievement and Proficiency (Form I) Levels 15-18Dale P. Scannell
04Elementary School Test EvaluationsR. Hooppner
05Agribusiness Achievement TestR.L. Peterson
06Student Evaluation Scale(SES)W.T. Martin & Sue Martin
07College Qualification TestsG.K. Bennett
08The Educational Evaluation KitWretha Peterson
09National Achievement Tests-Geography (Form A&B)R.K. Speer & S. Smith
10Every Pupil Test-Geography (Grade IV, V, VI & VII)M.E. Bain
11Every Pupil Test-Contemporary Affairs (Grade 7-12)C.H. Roberts
12National Achievement Test-ChemistryL.D. Crow
13Iowa High School Content ExaminationD.B.S. Tuit, H.A. Greene,
G.M. Ruch &
G.M. Durring
14Durring Physics TestM.Gordon
15Cooperative Reading Comprehensive TestF.B. Davis
16English Usage TestA.C.E.R
17Lankton Algebra TestR.S. Lankton
18Cooperative American Government TestE.T.S.
19Cooperative Test on Foreign AffairsE.T.S.
20Essential High School Content BatteryD.P. Harry
21Biology TestE.T.S.
22Functional Evaluation in MathematicsW.A. Brownell
23Arithmetic Reasoning TestJ.L. Otis
24Cooperative Reading Comprehension Test (Form M)A.C.E.R.
25The Algebra Readiness TestW.R. Lueck
26High School Reading Test (Form A, B)R.K. Speer
27Blyth Second Year Algebra TestM.I. Blyth
28Social Studies TestR.K. Speer
29Stanford Achievement TestR.L. Kelley
30Ohio Scholarship Test-ArithmeticI.L. Armitage
31American History TestR.K. Speer
32Cooperative ChemistryJ.F. Castka
33Sequential Tests of Educational ProgressE.T.S.
34Davis Test of Functional Competence in MathematicsD.J. Davis
35Arithmetical Reasoning TestA.J. Cardall
36Iowa Tests of Educational DevelopmentScience Research Associates, Chicago
37Achievement Examination for Secondary Schools (Elementary Algebra ‘Form 3’)L.B. Eakins
38Iowa Placement Examination PhysicsC.J. Lapp
39Diagnostic Chart for Individual Difficulties–Fundamental Process in ArithmeticG.T. Bushwell L.John
40Peltier-Durost Civics and Citizenship TestC.L. Peltier
41A Brief Survey of Arithmetic SkillsA.E. Traxler
42Shaycoft Plane Geometry TestM.F. Shaycoft
43Essential High School DevelopmentD.P. Harry
44Arithmetic TestD.E.R.
45Arithmetic TestA.C.E.R.
46Anderson Chemistry TestK.E. Anderson
47Read General Science TestJ.R. Read
48Arithmetic TestR.K. Speear
49Orleans Geometry Prognosis TestJ.B. Orleans
50Cooperative American History TestH.D. Berg
51Diagnostic Reading TestB.M. Bear
52Larson-Green Unit TestsH.A. Greene
53Mixed Fundamentals in ArithmeticC. Woody &
W.A. McCall
54Test on Understanding ScienceW.W. Cooley
55French Test for Performance in Knowledge of SportsState University of Iowa
56Achievement Test (Third Grade Readiness Test)M. McCullough &
David H. Russell
57General Science TestR.K. Speer
58California Algebra Aptitude TestM. McCrum
59Jamia Achievement TestIRE
60American School Achievement TestW.E. Pratt
61History and Civics TestR.K. Speer
62National Achievement Tests-Municipal BatteryR.K. Speer
63California Achievement TestE.W. Tiegs
64Modern School Achievement TestA.I. Gates
65Spelling TestH.K. Speer
66Test of the Physical Science Study CommitteeE.T.S.
67Dunning Physics TestG.M. Dunning
68Wallesley Spelling ScaleT.G. Alper
69Words for Writing A to Z SpellersU.S.A.
70Snader General Mathematics TestD.W. Snader
71Ohio State University Psychological TestH.A. Toops
72Los Angeles Diagnostic Tests- Fundamentals of ArithmeticC. Armstrong
73Number Fact Check SheetR. Cochrane
74Seattle Plane Geometry TestH.B. Jeffery
75Metropolitan Achievement TestR.D. Alien
76Graded Arithmetic Mathematics TestR.E. Vernon
77Cooperative Algebra TestR.S. Lankton
78California Arithmetic TestE.W. Tiegs
79Test for High School EntrantsL.D. Grow
8020th Century Test for First Year AlgebraBentoh Review pub. Co. Fowler
81Achievement Examination for Secondary SchoolW.W. Cook
82Geometry Attainment TestR.D. Walton
83Greene-Stapp Language Ability TestH.A. Greene
84Health and Safety Education TestL.D. Crow
85Nelson Biology TestC.H. Nelson
86Larson-Greene Unit Tests in First Year AlgebraH.A. Greene
87California Tests in Social and Related SciencesG.S. Adams
88Reader Achievement TestM.M. Cullough
89Cooperative Social Studies TestE.T.S.
90Brueckner Diagnostic Test in Whole numberL.J. Bureckner
91Minnesota High School Achievement ExaminationETB, Washington
92Elementary School Mathematics TestsA. Wesley
93First Year Shorthand TestH. Dukes
94American Civics and Govt. TestM.M. Chambers
95Lane-Greene Unit Test in Plane GeometryO. Lane
96Crary American History TestR.W. Crary
97Illinois Plane Geometry TestC.H. Schutter
98Cooperative Biology TestP.E. Kambly
99International Association for the Evaluation of Educational AchievementW.G. Center
100Surveys of AchievementE.W. Tiegs & W.W. Clark
101Tertiary Education Entrance Project- talent BatteryA.C.E.R.
102Instructional Test in AlgebraRaleigh Schorling
103Instructional Test in GeometryF.C. Bishop
104Cooperative Sequential Test of Educational ProgressE.T.S.
105Instructional Tests in General ScienceE.R. Glenn
106Modified Alpha Examination Form g WellsThe Psychological corp. N.Y.
107Woody McCall Fundamentals in ArithmeticC. Woody
108Columbia Vocabulary TestIrene Gansl &
Henry E. Garrett
109Basic Skills in Arithmetic TestW.L. Wrinkle
110Cooperative Mathematics Test for High School StudentsA.H. Darnell
111Cooperative English TestE.T.S.
112Cooperative Test for College StudentsE.T.S.
113Cummings Word History TestH.H. Cummings
114Diagnostic Test in Vulgar Fractions, Decimal Fractions and percentagesF.J. Schonell
115Wesley Tests in Social and Political TermsE.B. Wesley
116Barrett Byan-Schrammel English TestE.R. Barrett
117Problems of Democracy TestS.E. Diamond
118Orleans Algebra Prognosis TestJ.B. Orleans
119Spelling TestA.C.E.R.
120Square TestA.C.E.R.
121Civics Vocabulary TestS.A. Bayner
122ACER Number CardsA.C.E.R.
123Easy Steps in ArithmeticE.W. Seville (ACER)
124Coordinated Scales of AttainmentETB
125Metropolitan Achievement TestG.H. Hildreth
126Midwest High School Achievement Examinations (Economic Geography ‘Form A’)H. Haberman & Gearge H. Selke
127Fundamentals of Arithmetic TestC. Armstrong
128Essential High School Content BatteryD.P. Henry
129Sequential Test of Progress Essay TestE.T.S.
130ACES Academic Competence Evaluation ScalesJames C DiPerna and Stephen N. Elliott
131Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) Comprehensive FormMelissa A. Messer
Achievement tests measure knowledge and skills acquired in specific areas to assess individual performance and learning outcomes.